Arma 3 に新しい機能や不具合修正を先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 129822 へ更新、マークスマン DLC で追加される、AI への抑圧効果が有効化されました。
抑圧効果は、AI の近くに弾丸が通ると、恐怖を感じて遮蔽に隠れるなど何らかの動作を行うようになる機能。
EXE rev. 129822 (game)
EXE rev. 129814 (launcher)
Size: ~445 MB
EXE rev. 129814 (launcher)
Size: ~445 MB
- Removed: Class textureSource for the military variant of the xH-9 (no longer needed)
- Tweaked: Initial setup of stabilization coefficients for resting and deployment according to the implementation changes (WIP)
- Fixed: For security reasons, it's no longer possible to overwrite the path of official BIS functions in CfgFunctions
- Added: Ability to call BIS_fnc_moduleMissionName independently
- Fixed: The texture list was incorrectly defined (it’s a list of classes) for Offroad
- Fixed: The wheels of the FIA texture sources were badly defined for Quadbike
- Added: User action to activate / deactivate the police light bar on Offroad
- Added: _NoPop variants to Swivel Targets
- Renamed: Popup_rot animation to Terc for backwards compatibility with other targets
- Added: Ammo hit and fly-by distances for AI detection & suppression
- Tweaked: Ammo boxes have been updated with new weapons and items
- Fixed: Shadow on AAF #bipodz
- Removed: Duplicate memory point for the bipods on GM6 camo
- Updated: End Game multiplayer Public Alpha (see Announce Thread)
- Fixed: FAKs were increasing hit point damage to 0.25
- Fixed: Wrong tooltip formating in the inventory display
- Added: New script commands for manipulation with channels - enableChannel, channelEnabled, setCurrentChannel, currentChannel, getPlayerChannel
- Added: Parameters dangerRadiusBulletClose and dangerRadiusHit for CfgAmmo
- Added: isTurnedOut script command
- Changed: FFV inertia parameters moved to CfgWeapons
- Tweaked: Clipping through the stairs when deploying a weapon
- Tweaked: Weird weapon deployment situations
- Fixed: Throwing a grenade while deployed on an object now results in a normal direction
- Changed: Throwing a grenade while deployed in prone cancels deployment
- Fixed: Disabled personTurret in turn-out state, optics and switching weapons
- Fixed: Some values were incorrectly initialized when the createMine command is called
- Fixed: Added check for null pointer to address a potential CTD
- Fixed: Axes for head rotation in freelook while deployed
- Added: AI suppression enabled
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