高品質なロシア軍と米軍を Arma 3 へ実装する RHS: Escalation MOD のバージョン 0.3.5 で XM2010 などを予定

極めて高品質なロシア連邦軍とアメリカ軍を Arma 3 へ追加する RHS: Escalation MOD の、次期バージョン 0.3.5 のチェンジログが公開され、新たに XM2010 狙撃銃や照準器、車両の追加などが判明しました。

Arma3へ高品質なロシア連邦軍とアメリカ軍を追加するRHS: Escalation MODのT-72B3

バージョン 0.3.5 チェンジログ:

  • @ Damage and hitpoints on helicopters
  • ^ Compatibility with other mods using Su-25 and Ka-52 in terms of skeleton manes
  • ^ Improved Mi-24 Advanced Flight Model configuration
  • @ Graphical glitches on BTR-70 and BTR-80
  • @ Missing ; token in BMP-2 PhysX config
  • ^ Damage scripts for vehicles
  • ^ HEAT penetrator behaviour
  • @ MaxFordingDepth for all vehicles
  • @ Flying ESS goggles in distant LODs
  • @ Residual NV grain effect for some custom FCS
  • @ Commander FCS for BMD-4
  • @ T-72B group names
  • ^ Less debug info in RPT from certain scripts
  • @ Gear change & wipers sound using animationSourceSound
  • ^ Gear change animations
  • ^ RPG-26 and RShG-2 functionality improvements
  • ^ Reduced helmet armour
  • @ AI not engaging Ka-52
  • @ Fixed T-80U some proxies not hiding on destruction
  • + Added: T-72B3
  • + Added: Custom sounds for all heavy and light weapons
  • + Added: ZEUS mission
  • + Added: Mi-24 with sling load rack
  • ^ Tweaked damage textures for BTR-60, ZSU-23-4, UAZ & URAL
  • ^ Tweaked T-72B obr. 1985g & T-80BV hitpoints
  • @ Decals breaking if URAL and Tigr were on the same map
  • ^ RequiredVersion added to all folders
  • ^ General cleanup of unused resources
  • ^ RPG-7V2, SVD resolution and shadow improvements
  • ^ Resolution and shadow improvements for all scopes
  • ^ Buoyancy improvements for all vehicles (TankX based vehicles still cannot maneuver in water)
  • @ Snorkel script
  • ^ Tweaked Mi-24 cargo shadows
  • ^ Tweaked Su-25 shadows
  • - Removed HMD from Ka-60
  • @ Fixed Ataka resolution LODs order
  • ^ Added cfgPatches entries to a3 stuff for better compatibility
  • @ Fixed Mi-8 rpt enginehit errors
  • @ Fixed PRP-3 using bmp1 physx config instead of bmp2
  • ^ Tweaked ammo values
  • ^ Tweaked destruction materials for Tigr
  • ^ Tweaked RPG-26 position while on back
  • ^ Improved btrs geometry convexity
  • @ Internal shadows in BMP-1/2
  • + Added: EKP-1S-03 
  • + Added: 1P63
  • @ Lights selections on t72
  • ^ Texture improvements for RPG-7V2 and PKP
  • ^ Hind texture tweaks
  • ^ TM-62 and PNM-2 mines are triggered by magnetic targets of >200kg
  • ^ Increased Tigr engine armour
  • @ Added missing VV BMP-2 variants to cfgPatches
  • ^ T-72B model improvements
  • @ Commander triplex uv maping on btr70/80
  • @ Mi-8 cruise speed
  • ^ Added new driver optics to 2S3
  • @ Commander optics stabilization on T-80
  • @ Changed M112 ATGM to M119 on T-80A/U
  • @ Changed T72 FCS 'laser' & PL1 - should improve AI behaviour in T72, T80 (without letter) & Sprut-SD
  • @ Reduced Mi24 fuel consumption rate
  • @ Tweaks to TGP-A silencer
  • ^ Improvements of Gaz-66 gearbox
  • ^ Changed inertia for MGs
  • @ Fixed some errors in 1G42 & 1G46 FCS
  • + Added Kobra reticle [press / on numpad to change reticle (default secondary optics mode key)]
  • @ Removed unused muzzleFlash effects entries
  • @ Missing gunner getin dir memory points for UAZ open
  • @ Fixed welcome screen handler
  • @ Replaced TKN-1S with TKN-3 on BTR-80
  • @ Removed wire cutter from pilot view of UMTBS backpack
  • @ Reduced door action range on mi24
  • + Added camo selection for vests (using hidden selections)
  • @ Fixed last resolution LOD of 6B23 with 6Sh92
  • @ Fixed some RPT errors (Ural missing oil source, cannot create FXcatridge_big, missing sections in diagnostic build)
  • @ Fixed non closed structure on T-80U turret proxy shadow (shadow artefact)
  • @ Fixed bmd4 grain effect in driver optics
  • + Added FCS calculations for PKT in BMD4
  • @ Fixed Sprut-SD elevation bug
  • ^ Improved damage handling script (performance optimizations)
  • @ No crosshair on 3rd person for Russian armament
  • @ 2S3 gunner view issues
  • ^ New engine and suspension dataset for Gaz Tigr 
  • @ Fording depth for Ural increased
  • + Added rpg7 magazines models
  • ^ Added motor burning texture to rpg7 projectiles
  • ^ Improved firegeo and shadows of T-72B
  • + Added hint if extended armour is turned on & there are RHS vehicles on the map
  • + Added A2 RPG7 reload animation
  • @ Gaz-66 Repair vehicle (No repair options)
  • + Added Gaz-66 Ammunition resupply truck
  • ^ New damage textures for older T-80s 
  • @ Decals on T-80s disappear on destruction
  • ^ Small torque curve corrections for BMP1 and BMP2
  • ^ UAZ name changed to newer model
  • ^ RPG gunners will now attack helicopters with PG-7V rockets
  • + Added reload sequences to AK74M rifles
  • ^ Tigr interior updated with better camo and normals file
  • ^ Reload sounds for AK family, PKP
  • ^ Added bipod functionality to PKP (Ctrl+C)
  • ^ Some infantry units now have scopes
  • ^ PhysX Update for UAZ
  • + Added: Flora boonie hat
  • ^ Added cannon fire camera shake for RU air vehicles
  • ^ Increased 7.62 round damage
  • @ Arma 2 vehicle thermal map fixes
  • @ Removed driver triplex zoom
  • @ Fixed Mi-8 AMTSh muzzle flashes
  • ^ Enabled T-72B commander NSVT
  • ^ BTR geometry fixes
  • ^ Added stock fold functionality to simple AK (Ctrl+C)
  • ^ Removed ability to mount optics on folded AK
  • ^ Removed radar from Mi-24
  • @ PSO ranging and zeroing correct
  • + Added 1PN93-2 sight (Night sight for RPG-7V2)
  • ^ Correct ranging for PGO-7V3 sight
  • + Slingload feature added to appropriate vehicles
  • ^ Added editing zone size param to ZEUS missions
  • @ Fixed & improved heli hitpoints
  • + Added slingload ability to CH47 & UH60
  • - Removed radar from Bradley
  • @ Fixed maxFordingDepth for M1, M2, M109 & M113
  • ^ Fixed m113 bottom textures
  • ^ Added resolution LODs to M113
  • ^ Improved M113 fire geometry
  • ^ Improved m113 gunner view
  • @ Added new muzzle flash to M113A3
  • @ Fixed M1 hitpoints (added track hitpoints, tweaked turret hitpoints)
  • + Added slingload ability to M1025
  • @ Fixed ELCAN mipmaps
  • ^ Changed M249 magazine mass
  • ^ Replaced weapon modes with isSelected on at launchers
  • @ Fixed stinger missile still inside tube after launch
  • ^ Added sight folding on at4
  • @ Changed Bradley he-t tracer
  • ^ Reduced lag in gunner view while firing Bradley autocannon
  • ^ Added slingload max cargo mass params to CH47 & UH60
  • ^ US Army Infantry - Uniform 'shine' removed.
  • @ Fixed muzzlepos error in RPT for Javelin & Stinger
  • ^ Tweaked vest shadows
  • ^ Added resolution LODs for US weapons & accessories
  • ^ Added resolution LODs for us soldier model
  • ^ Added resolution LODs for M1A2SEPv1 desert versions
  • + Added: New sounds for all US weapons and heavyweapons
  • ^ Added numberPhysicalWheels param to various vehicles
  • ^ Tweaked commander HMG script
  • ^ Tweaked M113 resolution LODs (IFF panel visible in every res lod)
  • ^ Tweaked M1A2 tusk hitpoints
  • ^ Added resolution LODs for M1A2
  • ^ Added resolution LODs for M1A1
  • ^ Tweaked M136 power
  • ^ New PhysX dataset for M113A3
  • ^ Improved M68 CCO hex texture
  • @ Added rocket motor fire to AGM-65
  • ^ New PhysX dataset for M1A1 Abrams
  • @ Fixed HMMWV passenger mirror view
  • @ Fixed medic IOTV variant shadows in distant LODs
  • ^ Buoyancy fixes
  • + All pbos now require 1.32 minimum
  • + Added CH-47 textures by CptDavo
  • ^ Fixed M113 gunner hand anims
  • @ Removed decal related RPT spam
  • @ Fixed wheel reference not initialized RPT errors on M113
  • @ Fixed missing ; errors in M1 config
  • ^ Changed mass of M19 mine
  • @ Fixed crouch bug with AIA TP
  • @ Abrams tracks turning the wrong way
  • @ Coax muzzle flash to Bradleys
  • @ Fixed commander hatch inheritance in M2 skeleton
  • @ Fixed TOW selection in second resolution lod in M2A2
  • @ Fixed rhsusf_m113d_usarmy: Recoil - unknown animation source recoil_source RPT error
  • @ Fixed unknown animation source zaslehROT_HMG2 RPT error on M1A1
  • @ Added new lights config for m113
  • @ Fixed zbytek selection in res LODs of M113
  • @ M109A6 thermals fixed
  • ^ Added minTotalDamageTreshold to M113
  • @ Fixed M1 damgeHide selections
  • @ Fixed unresponsive suspension on both HMMWVs 
  • @ Deforming strap on IOTV. More consistency in LOD transitions on various vests.
  • @ Fixed all M2 cog. Less prone to flipping.
  • + Added reload sequences to M4, M16 rifles. 
  • @ Fixed tracer mags
  • @ Added tracer every 4 rounds to M249 mag
  • @ Fixed silencer for M4/M16 family (now uses 5.56 silencer instead of 6.5)
  • @ M109: Right side track teeth do not animate.
  • @ HMMWVV driver sits very high
  • + Add AGM Javelin TopDown mode (AGM)
  • @ Fixed M2A3 Busk III antena shadows
  • ^ New PhysX dataset for Bradley
  • ^ Brighten black platoon markers
  • ^ Bradley texture fixes and woodland setup
  • + Added M67 grenade and gave NVGs to troops
  • @ Improved M4 barrel geometry
  • + Added: Leupold Mk4 6,5-20x50mm ER/T M5
  • + Added: KAC rail covers
  • + Added: AR Assistant (M249)
  • @ Increased ammo loadouts
  • + Added FFV to appropriate vehicles
  • + Added armed HMMWVVs (M2 and Mk19)
  • + Added: M2010
  • @ Added door anims to UH60
  • + Added slingload capability to appropriate vehicles
  • @ Rear sight and zeroing improved in M136
  • ^ Fixed M1025 trunk action
  • + Added patchless infantry model with insignia support
  • @ Improved M68 CCO red dot visibility during night
  • @ Added cannon fire camera shake for US air vehicles
  • ^ Reduced M84 flashbang damage
  • @ Lowered crewExplosionProtection for HMMWVVs with tarp doors
  • @ HMMWVV crews should now get engaged by enemies
  • ^ Arma 2 vehicle thermal map fixes
  • ^ Removed zoom from driver triplex
  • @ Removed M320 from 1st Cav SL & TL
  • @ Mildot, 3.5-10x30mm and 6.5-20x50mm Leupold Mk4 reticles is now accurate and can be used for proper sighting
  • ^ Reduced explosion shielding on Bradley tracks

膨大な修正項目に加えて、HMMWV 武装型の追加、T-72 を限りなく T-90 近づけた最新型 T-72B3 の実装など、いくつかの新コンテンツが確認できます。

バージョン 0.3.5 は、早ければ今週にも公開予定です。

RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation A3 WIP Thread - BI forum
カバー写真 - Red Hammer Studios | Facebook
RHS: Escalation | Make Arma Not War

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