Arma 3 開発版のリビジョンが 129031 へ


Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツ、不具合の修正を先行して実装する、開発版がリビジョン 129031 へ更新され、車の爆発により重装甲の車両が壊れてしまう問題が修正されました。


EXE rev. 129031 (game)
EXE rev. 129031 (launcher)
Size: ~362 MB
  • Fixed: The explosion of a car can destroy heavily armored vehicles - discovered certain confusion in the functionality of parameters "fuelExplosionPower" and "secondaryExplosion". This fix therefore revised all these parameters, optimized explosions of all vehicles and also added a (hopefully) proper description of relations between these parameters and vehicle destruction explosions.
  • Fixed: Prone reload speed for Katiba, Mk200, TRG-20 and Zafir
  • Fixed: Speed of cargo idles
  • Fixed: Leg memory points were not in proper selections (
  • Changed: initSpeed in weapons - a negative value in weaponType::initSpeed means a multiplier for magazineType::initSpeed
  • Fixed: Using a directory name as mod ID (modDir) when a full path is defined
  • Changed: InitSpeed in weapons - zero value in weaponType::initSpeed means that magazineType::initSpeed will be used (initSpeed set to positive values in a weapon means a constant speed of the weapon independent on its magazine. Negative values mean a multiplier for initSpeed set in the magazine. Setting it to 0 means that the speed is going to be taken from magazine, this equals to setting initSpeed in the weapon to -1)



Development Branch Changelog - BI forum

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