Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツ、不具合の修正を先行して実装する、開発版がリビジョン 128936 へ更新され、同じチーム内のユニットが持つバックパック内の、アイテムの操作が出来ないのを修正されました。
EXE rev. 128936 (game)
EXE rev. 128936 (launcher)
Size: ~91 MB
- Using commanding key bindings can crash the game
- Tweaked: Rahim reload animation has proper right hand IK curve
- Tweaked: Lowered armor of lights on Slammer, Kuma and Offroad
- Fixed: Displaying of mod logo in the Main Menu via mod.cpp
- Fixed: Privatization of the local variable _type in function loadInventory
- Added: Config support for the dehardcoding of the number keys and function keys
- Fixed: Cannot interact with items in a teammate's backpack
- Tweaked: Changed the minimal message time prediction delta
- Changed: Unlocking hardcoded number keys and function keys
- Fixed: Squad AI inventory locked
- Fixed: Building game without enabling Dedicated Server
- Fixed: AI reaction to being alerted by nearby explosions
- Fixed: Loading mod icon from the mod path; showing mod icons in the editor only for mods visible in the main menu
- Fixed: Unsubscribing a mod from Steam Workshop caused the mod to be listed as a local mod under specific circumstances
- Fixed: Null-pointer exception
Arma 3 は次期バージョンで、物理演算エンジン PhysX のバージョン アップが行われます。
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