Arma 1 と Arma 2、Operation Arrowhead のコンテンツを Arma 3 でプレイ出来る All in Arma MOD がバージョン 2015-1-1 へ

ArmA , ArmA2, OA と TKOH を全て ArmA3 へ統合する All in Arma

Armed Assault と ArmA2, Operation Arrowhead のコンテンツを、 Arma 3 でプレイ出来る All in Arma MOD がバージョン 2015-1-1 へ更新され、 Community Weapon Project - 武器パック を使うようになりました。

All in Arma MOD の詳しい仕様は wiki を。


  • Added: Make AiA use CUP weapons.
  • Changed: Change underwater water color back to default again and leave custom only for Chernarus.
  • Changed: Improved Zeus compatibility (cfgGroups and cfgFactionClasses).
  • Changed: Improved Put and Throw muzzles coding (+= use) - therefore compatibility with other mods changing these.
  • Changed: Improved voices[] coding (+= use) - therefore compatibility with other mods adding more custom voices.
  • Changed: Replace door icon with the A3 one.
  • Fixed: Aliabad and Esbekistan still have screwed up the sky textures.
  • Fixed: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgFactionClasses.GUE'.
  • Fixed: scope for ACR units.
  • Fixed: disabled light reflectors n Land_Ind_Mlyn_02 as model seems to lack the definitions.

低品質の見た目と効果音ですが、容量が少ない Lite 版も公開されています。

All in Arma MOD には Community Base Addons A2, OAArma 3 用 Community Base Addons が必要です。

All in Arma (AiA) - TKOH/OA/A2/A1 merge with A3 - BI forum

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