Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツを、先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 128543 へ更新され、マウスで操作されている車のハンドルは、速度の影響を受けていない問題が修正されました。
EXE rev. 128543 (game)
EXE rev. 128549 (launcher)
Size: ~112 MB
- Tweaked: Beyond Recognition - Removed requirement for the pilot to reach the waypoint before the ending progressed
- Improved: Supports:
- Improved: Dead units and players are excluded from the group doing the evac sequence
- Improved: Stop code execution when no-one is alive
- Fixed: Problem counting dead crew as kills for OPFOR pilots
- Tweaked: When a helicopter is destroyed on the respawn spot, it gets deleted much faster now
- Hotfixed: An issue where personal turrets get locked and could not be unlocked (as a result the transport task could not get completed for helicopters with personal turrets)
- Fixed: Recoloring of icons to black in the Editor after a change in Game Options
- Fixed: Selection ‘camo’ in the BLUFOR sniper model
- Improved: New fireplace sounds
- Fixed: Missing accuracy rings on moving zombie pop-up targets
- Fixed: Double inclusion of an include file
- Fixed: Potential CTD when using switchMove on gestures
- Added: New commands for getting all controls from inside a display as well as all displays registered in-engine
- Tweaked: Lowered the limit when shared system memory is used
- Added: New command for getting list of all variables from given namespace (allVariables)
- Fixed: Vehicle mouse steering is not influenced by vehicle speed
- Added: Enabling mods report in retail (RPT)
- Modified: Decoupled code interface and implementation of profile loader
- Fixed: Folder watcher not updated after custom profile folder was changed
- Fixed: LES may crash while composing list of local addons with UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to path is denied
- Removed: "Subscribe Workshop addon" from the mod manager (the Addon tag is now considered obsolete and all Workshop items have been marked with tag Mod)
- Added: Localization for 1.36
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