Arma 3 用ベトナム戦争 MOD の ArmA 3 Coop: Vietnam へ改良を加える Devil's edit 版

arma3用のベトナム戦争MOD arma3用のベトナム戦争MOD

Arma 3 でベトナム戦争を再現する ArmA 3 Coop: Vietnam MODを許可を得て編集した、 devil's Edit 版が BI フォーラム上で公開されました。

devil's Edit 版は、元の MOD の修正や新しい機能の追加が行われる予定で、計画では戦車を含むより多くの地上兵器、ヘリコプターといった航空機などがあります。

現在はアメリカ軍とオーストラリア軍の NATO と、南ベトナム解放民族戦線や北ベトナム軍といった PACT の陣営、 4 つの地上車両、 3 つのヘリコプターと 15 の武器が実装されています。

元の仕様に比べて、バージョン 1.10r では OH-6 Cayuse の追加、全部気の効果音を置き換え、衛生兵が機能するように改良されたのに加えて、武器の性能をより現実的にするため、発射速度や使う弾薬の変更が行われています。

また UH-1H と CH-47 の飛行特性に変更を始めた他、M113 を操縦した時の挙動も、現実味のあるよう編集されました。

arma3用のベトナム戦争MOD arma3用のベトナム戦争MOD


  • MCC incompatibility: will cause all Blufor units to kill each other when spawned by the MCC console (I know how to fix it, just give a little bit of time)
  • A work around would be to use the Zeus function in MCC, however you cannot just simply use Zeus
  • MCC incompatibility: Blufor units show up as EAST (related to the previous MCC incompatibilty)
  • The M113 does not like to drive on the maps (this is a map issue, not an M113 issue)
  • The UH1H still shows the M240 model (however the weapon characteristics are that of the M60)
  • The CH47's ramp does not animate, nor does the landing gear
  • There are no wreck models
  • Both helo's still use the little-bird sounds
  • US uniforms all have the airborne patch instead of their relative unit patches
  • There are no spawnable groups yet
  • All PACT factions are under "Vietcong"

Credits & Thanks

Vilas: for great M16A1 models.
Makhno: for cooperation and permision to include Vietnam style maps.
Freelancer: for great PBR model.
Mondkalb: for great MBG Nam map.
Berghoff: for African Foliage req by maps.
Alduric: for compiling the mod together and releasing it first, as well as giving me permission to edit it.
Lord Jarhead: for his awesome weapons sounds and any sounds he may provide in the future.


@A3CV is (Not all content) under Arma Public License Share Alike (APL)

A3CV is created (Not all content) from ArmA 2 samples pack based on APL License.
A3CV does include some 3rd party mods; thanks and credit goes to the respective authors.
Certain PBO names were changed in order to help organize the modification (with permission)
This modification and it's contents may only be used with the ArmA series of video games.
This modification is for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes ONLY. Any commercial gain from this mod is strictly prohibited and will be punished under U.S. or International law.
By downloading this modification, you are removing any liability of the author(s) of this mod completely for any damage to your computer.

Arma 3 Co-op: Vietnam -Devil's edit- - BI forum

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