Arma 3 での戦闘を強化する CSE MOD がバージョン 0.10.0 アルファへ

arma3のゲーム プレイを拡張するCombat Space Enhancement MOD

Arma 3 へ現実的な医療機能と戦闘指揮システムなどを実装し、戦闘を強化する Combat Space Enhancement MOD がバージョン 0.10.0 に更新され、依託射撃に関連した機能追加が行われました。

完全に独立化されたこの MOD ではシングルプレイ、マルチプレイや専用サーバーでの動作と互換性があり、モジュールの設置により機能を有効化する事が可能で、さまざまなカスタマイズが可能です。


  • Added: Client side option for grain effect from NVG.
  • Added: Surgical kit to crate (CMS).
  • Added: Unrest action to weapon resting module.
  • Added: Weapon resting (without bipod) on terrain.
  • Added: Improved convective cooling (weapon overheating).
  • Added: Sounds for weapon unrest/undeploy actions.
  • Changed: Adjusted grain effect from NVG.
  • Changed: CBA is now optional again. No longer a requirement but is supported.
  • Changed: Can now also repack magazines while prone.
  • Changed: Can now also swap barrel while prone.
  • Changed: Damage is now only down if wounds are being added (CMS).
  • Changed: Hint from deafness is now an small icon in the top right of your screen -> cse_fnc_gui_displayIcon.
  • Changed: Made the ear ringing sound replay less often .
  • Changed: Output for check ammo is now a CSE display message.
  • Fixed: Ambiance Sound module.
  • Fixed: Bug #75789: Modules defined on server aren't initializing.
  • Fixed: Bug #75790: Error Undefined variable in expression cse_fnc_setDead.
  • Fixed: Bug #75791: Ballistic Items and Earplugs Crates are transparent when placed in editor.
  • Fixed: Bug #75813: Parallax Adjustment Script Error.
  • Fixed: Bug #75814: Opening Kestrel on Dedicated Server.
  • Fixed: Bug #75816: OPA item does not work (airway from CMS).
  • Fixed: Bug #75817: Combat Deafness Continuous Ringing.
  • Fixed: CMS would sometimes play a ringing noise.
  • Fixed: When using force dead with cse_fnc_setDead, _force would not receive a value.
  • Fixed: Icon never fading out (weapon resting)
  • Fixed: Bug in weapon unresting code (weapon resting)
  • Removed: No longer supporting Disposable launchers. Config remains for backwards compatibility for the time being.

Combat Space Enhancement MOD には Arma 3 用 Community Base Addons が必要です。

Combat Space Enhancement 0.2 - BI forum
Combat Space Enhancement | A total modification overhaul to ARMA 3

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