Arma 3 で竜巻を再現するスクリプトがバージョン 2 に更新で雷が発生するように

Arma 3 で、竜巻が渦を巻きながら地上の建造物を破壊したり、車を吹き飛ばしたりする Tornados スクリプト がバージョン 2 に更新が行われ、竜巻の周りで雷が発生したり、葉っぱが飛び散るようになりました。

竜巻の 20 メートル以内では、全てが破壊され、車両や飛んでいる物は無作為にどこかの方向へ飛ばされてしまいます。



  • added lightning functionality for those who wanted it. Comes complete with explosions and randomization. It can be turned off and disabled completely by editing its line inside decidetornado.sqf
  • added some leaves flying around the tornado in addition to sticks. As an additional note I would tweak the settings to your liking as I have the chance for it to happen set at 50 -50 for testing purposes, and it happens on the first try usually, setting one random var to > 80 and the other to < 20 will probably make it much less likely to occur (for me it did anyways). Also turn up the wait time (sleep) inside that script so it isn 't trying every 2 seconds to start a tornado.

[RELEASE] Tornados - BI forum

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