Arma 3 の開発版がリビジョン 128209 へ更新、サポート ミッションへ幾つかの調整


Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツを、先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 128209 へと更新され、マルチ プレイヤー内で吊り上げているオブジェクトが削除された時に、動作が停止してしまう問題が修正されました。


EXE rev. 128209 (game)
No new launcher
Size: ~79 MB
  • Tweaked: Minor sound changes for weapon switching
  • Added: More foley sounds for characters
  • Added: Interactive links to the License Texts in the Field Manual
  • Supports:
    • Tactical Strikes are now twice as effective
    • Added possibility to resupply and repair when crash landed at the maintenance point
    • Unstuck mechanics tweaked
    • Boarding units will now unstuck even when they are in combat
  • Tweaks connected to Sling Loading in the Command Menu:
    • The drop cargo command is available only when pointing to the ground
    • The lift cargo command is available when a player is in a Sling Loadable vehicle
    • The background of the menu was made longer so the items don't overflow
    • The disembark command was disabled for all units in a helicopter with Sling Loaded cargo
  • Tweaked: Players can now order multiple units to Sling Load cargo
  • Fixed: Leaders were repeating the dismount command when a Landing Zone was not found
  • Fixed: CTD in multiplayer when a hooked object is deleted
  • Fixed: Added missing eject in emergency situations
  • Added: Scripting command for determining player chat is shown (shownChat)
  • Workshop ID query for subscribe next and unsubscribe all feature in launcher [SteamLayer]
  • Added: Addon list changed event [SteamLayer]
  • Fixed: Possible CTD caused by wrong configuration of getInProxyOrder in the transport class
  • Fixed: Possible CTD
  • Fixed: Possible CTD when a hook waypoint has no target
  • Fixed: Camera drift while using TrackIR with aiming deadzone
  • Fixed: Filters [SteamLayer]

Development Branch Changelog - BI forum



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