Arma 3 の Zeus を拡張する Ares MOD がバージョン 1.1.0 へ更新

いくつかの機能を追加して Zeus を拡張する Ares MOD

Arma 3 でいわゆる神、ゲーム マスターとしてプレイが可能な Zeus を拡張し、多様的で魅力のあるミッションを作れるようになる Ares MOD がバージョン 1.1.0 へと更新され、多くの修正や変更に加えて、機能の追加が行われました。

Ares MOD では、映像のように Zeus を使って独自のテレポート機能、VR Arsenal をミッションに導入することができ、マルチ プレイの専用サーバ上と途中入場者へ完全に対応しています。

ユニットへ実際に装着された装備を見ながら決められる VR Arsenal は、ミッション間で再利用できるように弾薬箱の中身がコピー可能で、簡単にいくつもの弾薬箱を作成可能です。


  • * Arsenal - Added an 'Add All ...' option to Arsenal that adds all items from loaded mods automatically.
  • * Behaviours - Add ability for players to 'Release' surrendered units (as alternative to 'Secure'). Can also be applied by Zeus when dropping the module on a surrendered unit.
  • * Behaviours - Artillery targets are now named phonetically (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc...)
  • * Behaviours - Don't allow the surrender module to affect players
  • * Behaviours - Fix an issue where units garrisoned on a roof would not stand back up when un-garrisoned until they completed rejoining the squad.
  • * Equipment - Combined Enabling & Disabling thermals into a single module. Added ability to apply to sides as well as groups (when placed in empty space).
  • * Equipment - Combined flashlight control modules into a single module. Added ability to apply to sides as well as groups (when placed in empty space).
  • * Equipment - Created combined Enable/Disable NVG module (as opposed to just the 'Disable' that was previously present). Added ability to apply to sides as well as groups (when placed in empty space).
  • * General - Fix an issue where the item under the mouse cursor wasn't always being detected correctly.
  • * General - Fixed minor UI issue where 'Cancel' text in dialogs was wrapping incorrectly.
  • * General - Removed defunct CFB_AG script
  • * Reinforcements - Added ability for missions to specify custom reinforcement pools. See the wiki for details.
  • * Reinforcements - Added ability to set default behaviour of troops after they unload from transport
  • * Reinforcements - Added example scripts in the 'extras' folder showing how to define custom reinforcement pools.
  • * Reinforcements - LZ's and RP's are now named phonetically (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc...)
  • * Reinforcements - Tweak the default reinforcement pools to include fewer 'Lite' soldiers
  • * Teleport - Improved 'Teleport Group' and 'Teleport Single Unit' modules to not require teleporters.
  • * Util - Add more distance options when adding/removing objects from curator.
  • * Util - Made behaviour of Copy/Paste dialog (for Save/Load & Arsenal functions) consistent on dedicated servers and local servers. You MUST copy and paste by hand in all cases now.

MOD の挙動が確認できる動画はこちら。

@Ares - Modules expanding Zeus functionality - Release Thread - BI forum

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