Poseidon テキスト編集ツールが安定バージョン に更新

高機能で様々なカスタマイズが可能な Sublime Text 2 というツールを元に、Arma シリーズで使用されている Virtual Reality に特化したテキスト編集ツール Poseidon がバージョン に更新され、XML ファイル操作時に動作が遅くなる問題が修正されました。

このツールでは元の Sublime Text 2 の機能はそのままに、シンタックス ハイライトやスニペットが Ral Virtuality エンジン独自のコマンドに対応しており、メモ帳より遥かに高性能となっています。

Armaに特化されたテキスト編集ツール Armaに特化されたテキスト編集ツール


  • Added: Settings manager ("preferences" >> "Options")
  • Added: Community Tools Updater ( ("preferences" >> "Options")
  • Added: Functions for latest Arma 3 (
  • Added: New commands for Arma 3 (
  • Added: Shortcut CTRL+F5 to open a CMD with file current directory as working dir (cd & pushd)
  • Added: Shortcut to run Arma 3 in "External programs/tools". Note: If the current file is a sqm, it will open the editor and load the mission, whatever the file path.
  • Changed: "Open CMD here" is not in its final version (Menu >> External programs)
  • Changed: Auto complete box is now shown after 50ms (+10)
  • Changed: Indent method for SQF files
  • Changed: _target, _name, _leader and _destination have been removed from magic variables, they can now be used with "Make private Statment (ctrl+e, ctrl+p)" ( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164908&p=2730388&viewfull=1#post2730388 )
  • Changed: Improved bracket highlighter (performances)
  • Changed: ...too many things to be listed 
  • Changed: Location of snippets... to prepare the future 
  • Fixed: Very low performances on very large file (20MB+)
  • Fixed: Low performances with XML Files
  • Fixed: restoreDefault could crash at the end of the process because it was searching for MacOX files
  • Fixed: respawnOnStart was not regognized by the ext parser ( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...=1#post2730388 )
  • Fixed: File stream was laggy because of a bad defined event handler ( http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...=1#post2729710 )
  • Fixed: Poseidon installer was not working on some x86 workstation
  • Fixed: FSMEditor was not working on some x86 workstation
  • Fixed: Texview 2 was not working on some x86 workstation
  • Fixed: RestoreDefault was not working on some x86 workstation

詳細な資料は こちら

Poseidon: advanced text editor for Scripts & Configs - BI forum

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