Arma 3 開発版のリビジョン 126890 で新しいスクリプト コマンドとイベント ハンドラが実装


Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツを、先行して実装する開発版のリビジョンが 126890 へと更新され、新しいスクリプト コマンドとイベント ハンドラが実装されました。

また、ランチャーに CPU 内の 1 つのプロセッサをあたかも 2 つのプロセッサであるかのように見せかける技術 である hyperthreading を、有効にする起動パラメータが追加されています。


EXE rev. 126890 (game)
EXE rev. 126886 (launcher)
Size: ~103 MB
  • Fixed: CAS Wipeout support module was not firing at the target
  • Units should be able to stay under water a little bit longer
  • Fixed: Arsenal action was not visible ( )
  • Fixed: CfgPatches for new modules added recently
  • Fixed: Small exterior / interior sound bug for Truck
  • Small changes for door opening sounds
  • Fixed: Campaign - Within Reach - Choice about fuel truck in Bingo Fuel not reflected correctly
  • Added: Tooltips for Zeus item lists
  • Adjusted text positions of the animUnit and animSrc diagnostics (arma3diag.exe only)
  • Sound: Animation source position taken from memory point
  • Sound: Submix globally supports stereo samples
  • moveInDriver adds the vehicle to the group pool
  • Sound: Load internal sound coefficient from config
  • Added: New scripting commands setPosWorld, getPosWorld ( )
  • Fixed: Script command camSetDir doesn't normalize given direction vector
  • Changed: Scripting command serverCommandAvailable offers more available commands than can be processed through serverCommand
  • Added: Mission event handler HandleDisconnect when a player disconnects from MP
  • Sound: Limiter used on ‘weapons submix’ to suppress distortion
  • Changed: Script command moveInAny now returns true when moves were processed successfully (and otherwise false)
  • Changed: Rephrased ‘missing requirements’ message
  • Tweaked: Handling of command-line arguments
  • Added: New parameter support -enableHT
  • Added: A text field for the name of the input file of 'Autotest'
  • Fixed: Arrows on buttons of a numeric box were not visible when the box was focused
  • Fixed: CTD when the Addon Cache becomes corrupted
  • Changed: Style of the combo box with profiles

Development Branch Changelog - BI forum


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