森林と砂漠迷彩の 2 つのユニフォームが用意されている Arma 3 用の ノルウェー軍ユニット アドオン がバージョン 1.3 へ更新され、特殊部隊ユニットなどが追加されました。
- new "FSK" special forces in multi and black camouflage
- new class "Breacher" for special forces (both camos)
- new class "Explosive Specialist for special forces (both camos)
- sniper with ghillie suit (wood and desert camo)
- All vehicles now have "real" camos, but are mono color.
- more norwegian names (thanks to Lstor)
- typo fixed (thanks again Lstor)
- adjusted shoulder patches on the crew uniform
- norwegian names for the units in singleplayer groups
- renamed "Soldier (Wood/Desert)" to "Men (Wood/Desert)"
- included a classname list file
- included a LEA Loadout Manager addon
- binarized mod
- signed mod
このアドオンには NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapon アドオン が必要です。
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