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Arma 3 に新しい機能などコンテンツを先行して実装する開発版のリビジョンが新たに 125595 へ更新され、先日実装された VIRTUAL ARSENAL で武器のアクセサリーが取り付けられない問題が修正されました。
EXE rev. 125595
Size: ~124 MB
KNOWN ISSUESZeus modules are broken until we stage the rest of the playable content for Bootcamp.
- Renamed class Map_VR to VR (unfortunately this snuck into the first dev-branch release. It means you’ll need to rename your own scenarios made using this terrain.)
- Fixed: Weapon attachments were not available in Virtual Arsenal
- Renamed: UserTexture_ground_2x1_F to UserTexture_1x2_F and flipped it so that it is taller rather than wider
- Increased: VR Protagonist uniform's capacity
- Fixed: Binoculars and NVGs were not added correctly to ammo boxes
- Disabled: Parallax for the ceiling of Virtual Reality world
- Fixed: Thermal Imaging from Laser Designator transferred to every scope
- Fixed: Player observers now always send their target to the gunner
- Added: New weapon parameter maxZeroing (fixes a scopes zeroing glitch)
- Added: New mapName parameter for SteamTags
- Added: Stealing of UAVs (not yet configured in data)
- Removing UavPilot when a transport is destroyed
- Maximum memory increased to 3072MB (-maxmem=3072 to use it)
- Fixed: An exploit in Zeus which allowed forcing players out of vehicle
- Re-fixed: Remote control using map
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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これ便利なんだろうけど、エクスポートしていざエディタの兵士init欄に書き込むとinvalid number in expression(無効な数字)って弾かれるんだよなぁ・・・もしかして俺だけ?