Arma 3 に航空機を数種類ほど追加するアメリカ空軍 MOD がバージョン 0.2 alpha へ更新

Arma 3 上に米空軍が運用している巨大輸送機や爆撃機を追加する アメリカ空軍 MOD がバージョン 0.2 alpha へ更新が行われ、KC-135 空中給油機からの現実的な空中給油スクリプトの追加や、C-5 Galaxy など既存の機体への改良も施されました。

arma3にアメリカ空軍の航空機を追加するMOD arma3にアメリカ空軍の航空機を追加するMOD
C-5 Galaxy AC-130 Spooky

現在はアルファ版なものの、巨大輸送機の C-5 Galaxy, 攻撃機 AC-130U Spooky, 空中給油機 KC-135 Stratofortress と爆撃機 B-1 Lancer が実装されます。また空軍の憲兵ユニットや将校と操縦士が追加されます。

arma3にアメリカ空軍の航空機を追加するMOD arma3にアメリカ空軍の航空機を追加するMOD
B-1 Lancer KC-135 Stratofortress


  • C-135's turn radius and take off speed have been fixed
  • KC-135's Gear issues have been fixed
  • The current AC-130 has been decommissioned and a newer version will be released with V 0.2 with the texture errors fixed
  • AC-130's weapon damage has been increased
  • AC-130's gear issues have been fixed.
  • B-1's Turning radius has been fixed
  • C-5 Galaxy turning radius has been fixed and markings on the Tail wing have been turned to proper direction
  • AC-130s Recoil not working for the L60 has been fixed.
  • USAF_SFS issues with pilots have been resolved. 
  • Textures have been updated on AC-130
  • B-1 Bombers speed has been increased to reflect real life. Afterburners are being fixed
  • KC-135 Aircraft upgrade and now equipped with hoses. Refueling Script upgraded by dezkit.. the aircraft now searches for the memory point and will connect at the exact spot. The aircraft will now deny you if you don't have the points needed. It will also only give you the appropriate refueling action Ex. Flying the F18 and you approach the KC135 and request refueling it will release a hose for you and will not lower the boom. If two F18's approach the KC135 it will release two hoses and not the boom. If the F16 approaches the KC135 it will lower the boom and will not release the hose.
  • KC-135 Boom Operator added(Its just a view more for ambience)(WIP)
  • AC-130 TV Operator Added
  • B-1 Bomb doors open as soon as you select bombs
  • C5 Textures upgraded
  • USAF mod pack reorginized by dezkit
  • User lisence and bikeys added
  • Classnames added
  • KC-130 redesignated as MC-130J Commando II
  • Textures totally redone
  • USAF Pilots authorized by Nato to carry Firearms and IR Grenades.
  • Security Forces Enlisted and Officers trained to use Nato Weapons.

KC-135 から F-18 などの海軍機が給油を受ける場合、給油ホースから伸ばされるプローブを使用しなければならないとのこと。

United States Air Force - BI forum

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