航空機が自立して目標を捕捉可能にする ターゲティング ポッド スクリプトがバージョン 0.7.7 へ

Arma 3 に航空機が自己完結で爆弾を投下できるように、目標を補足するターゲティング ポッドと呼ばれる装備を擬似的に追加する TGP - Targeting Pod for Air Vehicles スクリプト がバージョン 0.7.7 アルファへ更新され、動作の最適化などが行われました。

このスクリプトでは 4 発エンジンの無人偵察ヘリコプターを機体に取り付け、UAV ターミナルを持たずに画面を操作し目標の捜索と捕捉が可能になります。


  • Added Command for to start all TGP's at mission launch
  • Added Debug that sends to the RPT what the TGP is doing (optional)
  • Vehicles on each side will now have their own numbers
  • TGP's will be deleted only if the TGP is not for the player's side meaning that the TGP will only reset if you are not on the same side as the TGP
  • More Optimisations
  • TGP actions will now only be added to players for more optimisations
  • Respawn eventhandler will now not build up hopefully
  • TGP's now have names
  • Vehicle's that crash will now have TGP's Dead (previous dev version was broken)
  • Killing a TGP on your team side will not result in negative points (if you went in for a bombing run and you were too close the TGP would blow up and resulting in negative points)
  • Respawned TGP will use the same name if on the same vehicle
  • Fixed when the Parent vehicle of the TGP was deleted, the TGP would stay
  • Some fixes to TGP_Veh_Only though I would still not recommend
  • Some others that I cannot remember


[Release] [Script] TGP - Targeting Pod for Air Vehicles - BI forum

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