Arma 3 に新しい機能などコンテンツを先行して実装する開発版のリビジョンが新たに 125433 へ更新が行われ、バージョン 1.22 で無効化されていた疲労パラメータが有効化されました。
また、新たなスクリプト コマンド playerControlled が実装されています。
EXE rev.125433
Size: ~375 MB
- Fixed: DLC Bundle duplicity in Expansions menu
- Inertia effect over new weapon sway temporarily turned off until the inertia will be fully implemented
- Changed launcher hit mask
- Decrease vertical movement of secondary weapon sway class
- Attempt to fix several rag-doll issues by decreasing the magnitude of hit forces applied and simultaneous increase of mass for bones to prevent them from flinching wildly
- Increased negative effect of damage over secondary weapon sway class. It should be hard to aim with crippled hands.
- Increased base speed and max speed threshold of secondary imprecision class to decrease the time needed for actual imprecision to align with cursor space
- A little elf hiding some caps has been found and dealt with, thus the caps shall be available again
- Facewear (former glasses) has mass correctly set
- Enabled fatigue parameter that was disabled for 1.22
- Fixed: Possible CTD in the Zeus map
- Hiding lights for hidden vehicles
- New command playerControlled (like the player command, but it will return the remote-controlled unit)
- Adding corpses from disconnected players to disposeManager ( )
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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