Team Speak 3 を介して、Arma 3 で現実的な会話と無線通信を構築する タスクフォース無線通信 MOD の Arma 2 版がバージョン RC2 へ更新され BI フォーラム上で公開されました。
この MOD では A3 版と同じように、3D サラウンドによる現実的な無線通信や、実際の会話と同じようにして 100 人以上のプレイヤーが同時に協力プレイなどのゲームをプレイ可能となっています。
Arma 2 版ならではとして、4 種類の新たな無線機の実装に加えて ACE2 MOD の無線機に対応しています。
Takistani Army:
- fixed Granit display text size.
- fixed «stuck» SW transmitting if you release the tangent while holding any of the modifier keys (shift, ctrl, alt) without those modifiers enabled.
- Default GUER rifleman radio changed from AN/PRC-154 to DTR-650.
- Default GUER personal radio changed from AN/PRC-148 to PD-785.
- Default GUER long-range radio changed from AN/PRC-155 to GM-380.
- Tweaked class inheritance tree for BM-21 to prevent unnecessary logging.
- ACE R-168-5UNE-2: now СРД button (first row from the right, the topmost) works as intended by constructors, i. e. clears ALL the radio settings in one push, not limited to the frequency of the current channel. "Clears" means «sets to factory values», though it also selects the random channel to prevent the enemy about to capture it from figuring out on which channel the player was.
- Test mission added.
- DTR-650: added button for changing stereo and button for switching to 1st channel (small power on button).
- R-55: now use that switcher thing for changing volume, which is located on top of the radio, near antenna.
- R-55 and PD-785: stereo settings are now changed by a button 0 (zero). Hash and asterisk (star) buttons are no longer functioning.
- Fixes from 0.9.2 (A3 mod) added.
- New server-side vars added for controlling serious mode for non-TVT, check userconfig\task_force_radio\radio_keys.hpp.
- Support of newer plugin versions added.
- Fixed documentation (note the graphic manuals for new radios in Pics folder).
- Some factions use their own radios, see below:
Takistani Insurgents:
- Rifleman Radio = "tf_pnr1000a";
- Personal Radio = "tf_fadak";
- Long Range = "tf_mr3000";
- Rifleman Radio = "tf_dtr650";
- Personal Radio = "tf_anprc148jem";
- Long Range = "tf_mr3000";
Takistani civilians:
- Rifleman Radio = "tf_anprc154";
- Personal Radio = "tf_anprc148jem";
- Long Range = "tf_anprc155";
- Rifleman Radio = "tf_anprc154";
- Personal Radio = "tf_pd785";
- Long Range = "tf_anprc155";
- Rifleman Radio = "tf_anprc154";
- Personal Radio = "tf_anprc148jem";
- Long Range = "tf_anprc155";
- Rifleman Radio = "tf_anprc154";
- Personal Radio = "tf_anprc148jem";
- Long Range = "tf_anprc155";
- Rifleman Radio = "tf_dtr650";
- Personal Radio = "tf_anprc148jem";
- Long Range = "tf_gm380";
Team Speak 3 で使用するプラグインは Arma 3 の物と互換性があります。またバージョン 3.0.14かそれ以下と 3.0.15 で動作するとのことです。
詳細な使用は タスクフォース無線通信MODを使ってみよう をご覧ください。
この MOD には Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead、ベータ パッチのビルド 103718、 Advanced Combat Environment 2 MOD と Community Base Addons が必要です。
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