Arma 3 に新しい機能などコンテンツを先行して実装する開発版のリビジョン 124318 が配信され、車両の速度が低下するように砂利道でのグリップが低下に加え、エンジンに多数の修正が行われています。
EXE rev. 124318
Size: ~38 MB
- Gravel roads provide less grip for wheels and cause lower speed
- Removed: Logging used for debugging of a few functions
- Fixed: RPT render target not found message
- Increased errorGrowInTime for empty vehicles (AI optimization)
- Fixed: Collision bug where soldiers could sometimes go through thin obstacles
- Fixed: Locking turret by lockTurret command
- Fixed: Players jumping in a partially destroyed and destroyed building
- Repairing a destroyed building now removes the partially destroyed building and ruins better
- Fixed: CTD when passing a not existing side to createCenter
- Added: New action that support opening inventory of soldiers under your control
- Fixed: Driver ejects when heli is configured to not allow driver ejection
- Fixed: removeUniform doesn't work within non-local client when connection was started in JIP mode (graphical representation of undressed soldier doesn't work even when uniform was removed through gear)
- Hotfixed remote state positioning when an object is stable (PhysX optimization)
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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