Arma 3 に新しい機能などコンテンツを先行して実装する開発版が更新され、車両に適用されている色の無作為化を無効できるようになりました。
チェンジログ:No new EXE
Size: ~219 MB
- Added: Possibility to disable randomization and set a color to randomized vehicles by using ‘this setVariable ["color",X]’ in the init of the vehicle where X is a number ranging from 0 to the number of skins. If the number is out of range, the skin is still randomized.
- Fixed: Damaging of Tempest with the device
- Added proper tracer color for M200 machine gun after description change
- Allowed anti-personnel mines to be stored in vests. Previously they inherited only in backpack policy from AT mine.
- Added: Custom channels for each side in a ZGM scenario. E.g. BLUFOR can now communicate with Zeus without other sides hearing it.
- Added: Icon for HQ module
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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