Arma 3 に新しい機能などコンテンツを先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 123901 へと更新されました。
新たなスクリプト コマンド“squadParams”の追加や 7.62mm ミニガンの着弾効果にあった爆発効果が削除されました。
チェンジログ:EXE rev. 123901
Size: ~461 MB
- Refresh support for advanced hint system. Calling of an advanced hint which is already shown just refreshes it instead of closing and opening it.
- Variable BIS_fnc_advHint_state (missionNameSpace) contains info about the currently displayed advanced hint
- Fixed: Offroad braking on its own too much
- Decreased triggerTime of Minigun ammo. Also removed explosive effects from 7.62mm Minigun ammo that were inevitably inherited from SubmunitionBase class of ammo (AH-9 minigun should behave well yet again)
- Previous fix of flipping static GMG reopened issue of insufficient power against vehicles. So this is another attempt to address both issues.
- Added: "Wait until" waypoint attribute, allowing Zeus to set when a waypoint will be completed in order to synchronize the movement of multiple squads
- Added: A list of recent entities (i.e., units, groups, modules and markers)
- Added: List of recently used / created items to Zeus
- Added: New scripting command squadParams
- Fixed: Never ending handler for damage when helo crashes into water
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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