Arma 3 に新しい機能などコンテンツを先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 116501 へ更新され、不具合修正などが行われました。
チェンジログ:EXE rev. 116501
Size: ~69 MB
- The reloading of a magazine and a single shell for the Scorcher takes the same time
- The Offroad has properly placed effects of dust again
- Added: More specific naming for mpstatistics file
- Fixes in Zeus related to action access rights and icon drawing
- Fixed: Inability to disable zoomin, zoomout from scripts
- Fixed: Airplane ejection. Now you are actually ejected out of an airplane instead of only moved next to the plane.
- Fixed: Correct signature check in Steam browser
- Possible fix of crashes in destruction of server error computation micro-job tasks
- Fixed: Possible crash when role icons had zero height
- Fixed: Bugs related to accessing some of the controls when remote controlling another unit in Zeus (artillery computer, Inventory, NVG, auto-reload)
- Fixed: auto-closing of GPS, watches, UAV PIP, compass when user switches to optics mode
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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