Arma 3 に新しい機能などコンテンツを先行して実装する開発版のリビジョン 114862 が配信され、ブリーフィング画面のインベントリからユニフォーム、ベストとバックパックを操作すると、失われる問題が修正されています。
チェンジログ:EXE rev: 114862
Size: ~125 MB
- FIX: BIS_fnc_bleedTickets showed scripting error when no sectors were available
- ADDED: Dynamic task loading in sector module
- ADDED: Attack & Defend objective tasks are now titled "Seize X" and "Defend X"
- ADDED: Ability to choose end type when setting mission countdown
- ADDED: Countdown and Respawn Ticket modules will now automatically end the mission once time or tickets reach 0.
- FIX: Calling BIS_fnc_respawnTickets to get side with lowest amount of tickets included also sides with no tickets defined
- FIX: Checking for the side with lowest number of respawn tickets will now return empty when no tickets are defined
- FIX: Fixed initial launch position for vehicle launched ATGM and SAM missiles on armoured vehicles
- ADDED: Insignias should work on all soldiers (as a last hidden section of each of them)
- FIX: Uniforms/Vest/Backpacks disappear when you double-left-click on them in the briefing screen inventory menu
- ADDED: new script functions: currentWeaponTurret, currentMagazineTurret, currentMagazineDetailTurret, selectWeaponTurret
- FIX: maxHoldsterValue also considers weapons directly in the vehicle.
- FIX: AI Soldier are able to stand up again and start shooting right away
Development Branch Changelog - BI forum
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