Team Speak 3を介して現実風の無線通信や直接の会話をArma 3で再現する タスクフォース アローヘッド無線通信MOD のバージョン0.8.3がBIフォーラム上で公開されました。
今回の更新で、ステレオ チャンネルの切り替えが可能になった他無、線通信の際のエフェクトが変更されているなど多数の改良と修正が行われています。
このMODの概要や特徴は こちら や 前回の記事 をご参照下さい。
- You can change stereo channel of each radio
- Updated personal radio DSP effect
- Updated long range radio DSP effect
- Time-critical code moved to non-scheduled environment
- By default everyone in the group have the same personal radio settings
- By default everyone in faction have the same long range radio settings
- Added small delay between receiving sound by radio and by direct speech
- Personal radio looks like radio on the ground
- Long range radio settings are saved after respawn
- Interference now be heard differently and begin earlier
- Compatibility with MagRepack
- Compatibility with BTC Revice
- Dead players now instantly fall in spectator channel
- Parachutes are not replaced by long range radio
- You will be notified about new version by message in TS
- Fixed problem with audibility of users not playing on the same server in lightweight mode
- Fixed problems with quarks of personal radio outside 3km radius
- Fixed: you now can use numkeys in spectator mode
- Frequency range now inclusive
- @ in nicknames is still unsupported, but will not break game for others
- Fixed side of new vehicles (Mora, etc).
- API to force vechicle side
- API to set frequencies
- API to get information about TS
- API to change name and password of serious mode channel
- Disabled TS chat messages about plugin loading
- Positions of close players now updated more frequently
- Plugin changes back TS nickname after the game.
- A lot of other small fixes.
このMODには A3用Community Base Addons が必要です。
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