Arma 3へのコンテンツ追加、高い関心を持たれる修正や機能をアナウンスする SITREP (SITuation RePort、状況報告)の#00034がプレイヤーへ開発状況を公開するArma 3の公式サイト Dev Hub で公開されました。
SITREP #00034
reported by Joris-Jan van 't Land on Tuesday 12th November 2013
FROM: Project Lead
TO: Arma 3 Users
INFO: Campaign episode 2, Fatigue
The second campaign episode is currently undergoing its most busy development period. The playable content team is evaluating the scenarios, gathering internal feedback and starting final iterations of the flow and logic. Meanwhile the texts (briefings, hints and dialogues) are all being fleshed out to prepare for this episode's final voice acting and MOCAP work. And, there's still a significant new multiplayer feature coming to Arma 3. We look forward to finally speak about its specifics soon™.
Scenario designer Thomas Ryan sat down with our embedded Report In! crew to speak more about his work on, among many things, the campaign. He does drop in some 'Survive' spoilers, so be careful if you haven't played it yet.
シナリオを作成しているデザイナーThomas Ryanに Report In! でインタビューしました。
Devbranch has received its first iterations of on-going fatigue tweaks by designer Radko Voda, also involving weapon sway. Today the initial version was updated with tweaks based directly on feedback. There may still be animations which are incorrectly slowed down, but they are being systematically hunted down.
強化された疲労による影響は開発版でデザイナーRadko Vodaによりなおも調整中。フィードバックを反映した初めての更新を行いました。
Another topic for which feedback is actively being sought is UAVs. Designer druid Bořivoj Hlava has opened a thread to collect outstanding issues, priorities and general improvements.
UAVにはフィードバックが必要。フィードバックによる改良や未解決の問題の為の スレッド をデザイナー Bořivoj Hlava が開設しました。
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