Arma 3 開発版がリビジョン 146887 で新しいパラメータ


Arma 3 へ新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 146887 へ更新。射撃訓練コースとタイム トライアルをワークショップへ公開できるようになったり、詳細なログを残す新しいパラメータの "-debug" が実装されました。


EXE rev. 146887 (game)
EXE rev. 146887 (Launcher)
Size: ~ 250 MB


  • Added: Proper tooltips in Pylon Settings for Laws of War Demining Charges and Leaflets
  • Added: Firing Drills / Time Trials can now be configured in description.ext (making them self-contained and ready for Workshop publication)
  • Added: Gray color support also for Time Trials
  • Tweaked: Exposed Firing Drills / Time Trials modules in Eden Editor (find documentation on Community Wiki here and here)
  • Tweaked: After contacting the quartermaster, NATO Pacific Engineers received appropriately colored magazines - FT-T154021
  • Tweaked: Virtual Garage "onPhaseChanged" and "lockCargo" parameters were not always evaluated when more advanced inheritance was used
  • Fixed: Typo related to Taru Event Handler configuration - FT-T153882
  • Fixed: Some of the FV-720 selections were set incorrectly in resolution LODs
  • Fixed: VR Suit armor hidden selection ("camo3") was not retexturable
  • Fixed: ED-1D and ED-1E are now correctly called out as UGVs, instead of tanks
  • Fixed: Typo in the French text on the back of the Eau de Combat box


  • Added missionNameSource script command
  • Added: Better RPT context for preprocessor errors - FT-T153041
  • Added: Implemented new continue / continueWith and break / breakWith commands for use in loops
  • Added: -debug command line parameter for more verbose logging
  • Added: "LogObjectNotFound" server config option
  • Added: "SkipDescriptionParsing" server config option
  • Added: Script command forceUnicode (provides an option to switch the mode of operation of the following commands to Unicode: copyToClipboard, copyFromClipboard, select, count, in, find, splitString, reverse)
  • Added: Alternative syntax for find command adds an option to start searching from an offset
  • Added: Alternative syntax for reverse command now supports a string argument
  • Added: Experimental terrain topography export as SVG (Dev-Branch only)
  • Added: Rendering of MagazineProxy in sidearm holsters - FT-T153802
  • Tweaked: Eden Editor Compositions that are missing addons will now be greyed out in the list (but still can be placed)
  • Tweaked: Improved speed of stringtable loading during game start
  • Tweaked: channelEnabled would return [nil, nil] instead of [false, false] on non-existing channels
  • Tweaked: Markers cannot now be placed in a channel if both VoN and chat are disabled. Group channel is now always available for server command input even if disabled
  • Tweaked: URL-enabled controls would not update their tooltip after the ctrlSetURL command
  • Fixed: Attempt to address Linux server freeze / crash when loading Weferlingen Winter
  • Fixed: say3D start offset parameter was not working in all cases
  • Fixed: disabledChannels did not work during briefings
  • Fixed: getPlayerChannel would return -1 when a player was talking on the Direct channel
  • Fixed: Freeze when opening the Zeus interface with many mods activeif no other channel is available. Channel switching will select the next channel relevant to the context. If a player is using VoN, this will cycle VoN enabled channels, etc. Disabled VoN and chat icons were made more obvious.
  • Fixed: Optics Post Processing effects not updating when switching between optics modes - FT-T80695


  • Added: New -debug parameter for more verbose logging

Development Branch Changelog - Page 57 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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