Arma 3 開発版がリビジョン 146532 で新しいスクリプト コマンド


Arma 3 へ新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 146532 へ更新。システムの時間を取得する systemTime スクリプト コマンドやマルチプレイヤーでの挙動を改良する新しいネームスペースを実装しました。


EXE rev. 146532 (game)
EXE rev. 146532 (Launcher)
Size: ~ 85 MB


  • No significant data changes


  • Added: diaryRecordNull script command and support for null records to ==, != and the isNull command FT-T152448
  • Added: New namespace localNamespace, for safer MP scripting (comparison operators == and != are also extended to accept this namespace type) FT-T66917
  • Added: systemTime/systemTimeUTC script commands
  • Fixed: #include in description.ext was failing on files outside of a scenario's PBO FT-T77179
  • Fixed: selectionNames and namedProperties were accidentally removed in the previous update
  • Added: Support for Boolean type to == and != FT-T64965
  • Added: The supportInfo script command received a new "i:" filter, which returns extended information about the passed command FT-T83862
  • Added: isFinal script command to complement compileFinal


  • Added: Livonia to the -world= parameter

Development Branch Changelog - Page 57 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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