Arma 3 へ新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 146461 へ更新。地表に応じて生成するパーティクルの設定が拡張されたり、新たなスクリプト コマンドをいくつか追加しています。
EXE rev. 146461 (game)
EXE rev. 146461 (Launcher)
Size: ~ 310 MBDATA
- Added: Base CfgDustEffects classes to config (CfgDustEffectsAir, CfgDustEffectsMan, CfgDustEffectsCar, CfgDustEffectsTank, CfgDustEffectsTankSmall) and implemented them on vanilla vehicles - FT-T131130
- Tweaked: Appearance of wheels in the last resolution LOD of AMV-7 to make it more in line with the rest of the vehicles
- Fixed: Commander turret indicator direction in interior views - FT-T151429
- Fixed: Zeroed ironsights on MX, Katiba, TRG, Mk20, Zafir, M320, GM6, Mk18, Rahim, Protector, Sting, Vermin, Zafir and Mk200
- Fixed: Virtual Arsenal / Garage would incorrectly show the previous DLC icon in the right tab
- Added: New DustEffects class syntax - FT-T131130
- Added: getAllUnitTraits script command
- Added: surfaceTexture script command
- Added: getVehicleTIPars script command
- Added: Optional parameter to roadsConnectedTo to perform an extended search and return pedestrian 'roads'
- Tweaked: isOnRoad / roadAt now have better detection on bridges or when a 2D position is supplied
- Fixed: CTD when a helicopter's HUD / cockpit digital clock reached a full hour - FT-T148480
- Fixed: "unknown animation source" RPT spam for Simple Objects
- Fixed: Topography/exportnogrid cheats not working in 3DEN - FT-T151119
- Fixed: getMousePosition script command not handling sampling resolution correctly - FT-T84241
- Fixed: isOnRoad / roadAt can now detect pedestrian 'roads' - FT-T151014
Development Branch Changelog - Page 57 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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