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Arma 3 へ SRSS Bulldog 小銃 といったいろいろな銃や狙撃銃、機関銃、拳銃、アタッチメントなど追加の EricJ Weapons Pack MOD がバージョン RC87 に更新。いくつか不具合を修正したり、様々な武器で装填できるマガジンの種類が増えています。
MOD では Ultimax 機関銃や XM109 狙撃銃、AKM、SCAR-H、黒の M320 付き MCR 小銃、vz.61 Skorpion 短機関銃、M136 AT-4 や RPG-7 といったランチャー、狙撃用の高倍率スコープもあります。それに、一部の銃は hiddenSelections へ対応していて、銃の見た目を変更できます。
- Fixed the Glock 45CL when the slide sits to the rear, geometries don't "hold on" to the barrel.
- Readjusted the camo setting so the barrel is universal grey despite texture on the GLock MHS.
- Fixed an HK416 inventory icon
- Removed LSW and 60-round weapon variants due to using Dynamic Magazines
- M27 IAR (both versions) has option for 30-round and also 100 round Beta C-Mags
- M4s have options for 30-round, 60-round magazines, and 100-round Beta C-Mags
- HK416s have options for 30-round and 60-round magazines
- SCAR-L has options for 30-round, 60-round, and 100-round Beta C-Mags
- Some SCAR-Hs have options for 20-round, and 50-round magazines
- M8 Carbine PMC has options for 30-round and 100 round Beta C-Mag
- M4 CQBR has 30-round and 60-round magazines
- KNOWN ISSUE: BIS 30-round mags unintentionally clip through the weapon model. This is an issue I cannot fix myself
EricJ Release thread - ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE - Bohemia Interactive Forums