Arma 3 の新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整を先行しておこなう開発版が、リビジョン 145765 へ更新。新たに MAAWS へ HEAT 55 弾を追加したり、引き続き 外伝拡張パック Contact の新武器を含むコンテンツへ調整を行っています。
PSA: The new weapons from the upcoming #Arma3Contact expansion are now available for testing on #Arma3's Dev-Branch (alongside the new Livonia terrain). Pre-purchase today for Sneak Preview Access and share your feedback on the @bohemiainteract forums:
— Arma 3 (@Arma3official) June 11, 2019
EXE rev. 145765 (game)
No new Launcher EXE
Size: ~1.4 GBDATA
- Added: MAAWS HEAT 55 round
- Added: Sprinkler sounds for the large Decon Shower
- Tweaked: RPK-12 and AKU-12 front iron sight positions
- Tweaked: Promet family muzzle velocity to accommodate for it having a longer barrel than the basic MX
- Tweaked: Durability of Cheetah and Panther engines (
- Tweaked: Muzzle flash colors
- Fixed: Character collision on a part of Church (v1, Ruin)
- Fixed: Decon Showers were not initializing properly after shutting down via the action menu
- Fixed: Removed depleted uranium from 12GA slugs after the Livonian military found their dummy targets disappearing on hits
- Fixed: 100 round magazines no longer count as required items for The East Wind missions (
- Fixed: Glass impact particle effects now also take into the account surface normals, instead of just flying straight into the player's face
- Fixed: The PathCalculated Event Handler would fill each path node with [X, Z, Z] instead of [X, Z, Y]
Development Branch Changelog - Page 55 - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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