Arma 3 のマップ全体を戦場にし、AI 指揮官を生み出したり、自動でミッション作成が可能な Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Enbironment MOD のバージョン が公開。市民モジュールのオーバホールを行っています。
ALiVE - New Ambient Civ updates (Test) - YouTube
ALiVE は中隊規模のダイナミック シナリオを生成できるフレームワークで、指揮や戦闘支援、兵站を含む現実的な軍事作戦が出来るようにしています。いくつかのモジュールとマーカーを設置するだけで、高い柔軟性を持つ様々なシナリオを作れます。AI 指揮官は反乱軍のような戦術をも使いながら、ミッション全体の優先順位を持っていて、自律的に行動します。
チェンジログ (ハイライト):
- [ALL] Updated version to clusterbuild 1.92.145639 - Public Stable (Creator DLC)
- [COMBAT_SUPPORT | MIL_C2ISTAR] Allow multiple items to restrict menu usage
- [X_LIB] Add function stringListToArray
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Set number of civs per building to 3.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add islamic prayer sounds to mosques
- [AMB_CIV_POP] m.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Fix issue where too many custom building sounds played at once
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add civ crowd support for Tanoa and pacific island environments
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add custom building sounds such as call to prayer
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add call to prayer sounds
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Tweak radio sounds (lower volume)
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Remove greek radio from middle eastern sounds
- [AMB_CIV_POP] ACE compatibility for ALiVE throwable objects (don't explode, flashbang)
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Tweak crowd sounds
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Civ crowds now honor Amb Civ Placement TAOR and Blacklist markers.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Fix issue where crowd noise wasn't played
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Ensure amb civs don't flee when civilians throw objects
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Fix missing animations
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Remove uppercase and whitespace characters from filenames for Linux compat.
- [X_LIB] Add RESISTANCE to fnc_sideTextToObject
- [X_LIB] Missed a semicolon and a 'then'...
- [X_LIB] Mimic BIS_fnc_crewCount but keeping it compatible with the rest of ALiVE
- [X_LIB] prevent reporting duplicate empty vehicle positions on some vehicles
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add crowd noises and weapons (stones, bottles, cans) and crowd object throwing.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Ensure civs don't react to fire from civilians. Ensure dead units don't react to gunfire...
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add animations (courtesy of IndeedPete) from Arma 2 for civilian crowd actions.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Fix issue where African sounds were not playing, added more African sounds
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Reduce number of ambient sounds for idling civs
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Added more middle eastern sound effects
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add crowd sound effects
- [SYS_MARKERS] Ony show hint about persistent markers once.
- [INDEX] Added Weferlingen from Global Mobilization Creators DLC
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Initial crowding functionality added
- [INDEX] Kujari by @HeroesandvillainsOS
- [AMB_CIV_POP] m.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Adjust crowds based on phase of the sun (reduce crowds as it gets darker, increase crowds as the sun comes up)
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Set default crowd spawn to 0
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Initial ambient crowd code. Still working on crowding behaviour.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Tweak sounds so radios are not so loud
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add functions to handle future crowd events
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Ensure certain sounds are not played during the day.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Prep work for ambient crowds
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Don't play certain sounds during the day...
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add african environment sounds and support for CFP african civ factions
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Fix issue where civs were way too happy about weapons being fired near them.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add more animal sounds to various environments.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Improve fleeing, civs may scream in terror, should duck and run for home, may get upset.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Fix issue where agent active state was not being properly updated
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Civilians within 50m of weapons being fired will flee, distance will dictate whether or not hostility is affected.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] m.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add support for per faction environment sounds
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Add middle eastern environment sounds. Add civ pop support for middle eastern CUP and CFP civilian factions.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Improve compatibility with 3rd party civilian environment sounds
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Increased chance of random movement and journeys. Increased chance of civ ambient sounds and lights. Fixes #225
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Added colour coding to show new (blue) and updated (green) FSM blocks of code.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Improved civilian population spawning, particularly across large urban areas. Fixed issue where amb civs were not spawning in large civ areas. Improved dynamic spawn/despawn of civs.
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Ensure spawn cycle timer starts with a time prior to mission start to avoid delay.
- [AMB_CIV_PLACEMENT] Added module init log about civilian vehicles and units placed. Tidied up formatting.
- [MAIN] Add support for CFP Afghan Police faction
- [SYS_LOGISTICS] Fix issue where ammo boxes and other supplies were not unloadable from vehicles.
- [CIV_PLACEMENT] Filter out blacklisted vehicles from roadblocks
- [AMB_CIV_POP] Stop with the versioned files :(
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