Arma 3 でシンプルな無線を作る Addon-Free ArmA Radio スクリプトが v0.9 で大幅な最適化

Arma 3 内のボイスチャットで、距離が離れると通じにくくなるなど無線風のエフェクトを再現する Addon-Free ArmA Radio スクリプトのバージョン 0.9 が公開。効率性や最適化、モジュール化のために大量のコードが書き直されたり、設定をゲーム内から変更できるオプション メニューの追加などが行われています。

Addon-Free Arma Radio | ArmA 3 - YouTube



  • Added: r_RTOs variable to 'CFG.sqf': list of RTO units
  • Added: '3DLR.sqf' script to handle pop-up radio
  • Added: 'opt.sqf' for new options UI
  • Added: Adjustable local script settings in radio UI
  • Added: 2 more radio noise sound effects pulled from Arma 3 to add variety
  • Added: 20 more variations of radio noise for weather/day conditions
  • Added: Global variable 'r_noiz' which stores array of radio noise object(s)
  • Added: 'titles.hpp' for pop-up radio interface
  • Added: 'snd.sqf' to handle rain interference
  • Added: 'opt.sqf' to handle client-side in-game options interface
  • Added: RscTitles reference required in Description.ext
  • Added: Metalman10 [EXP] to credits for helping optimize code initialization
  • Updated: AFAR Instructions Manual in map briefing
  • Updated: readMe.txt
  • Changed: Pop-up radio when transmitting is now coded as an interface
  • Changed: Radio noise intensity increases based on overcast - WIP
  • Changed: Radio noise intensity increases based on rain
  • Changed: Radio noise intensity increases based on sunOrMoon
  • Changed: Vehicle channel no longer broadcasts radio noise
  • Changed: Rewrote how radio noise is handled / deleted
  • Changed: Renamed "Support Channel" to "Air Channel"
  • Changed: Players with "RTO" trait have access to "Air" channel
  • Changed: Players in pilot, copilot, or gunner seat get access to "Air" channel
  • Changed: Replaced 'incapacitatedState' command with 'lifeState' command
  • Reverted: Players can no longer become an RTO by having 2+ radios
  • Tweaked: Replaced useless '_x' param in remoteExec with player name
  • Tweaked: Improved compatibility with customized radio channel permissions
  • Tweaked: Improved compatibility with disabled Vehicle channel (r_vCH)
  • Tweaked: Improved readability of titleText pop-up when opening radio UI
  • Tweaked: Capitalized all letters in "GUNNER" string, in 'anim.sqf'
  • Fixed: Undefined variable "RTO"
  • Fixed: Passengers of vehicles without the RTO trait would get Support channel
  • Fixed: Player would detect himself when transmitting
  • Fixed: Script errors related to enableChannel using bool value, instead of array
  • Fixed: Non-default channel permissions weren't taken into consideration
  • Fixed: Radio noise can only be deleted by the sender ending transmit
  • Fixed: AFAR no longer interferes with hints from mission/mods
  • Fixed: Channel(s) would vanish if no other players available to receive message
  • Fixed: Persistent static bug, related to talking on radio while incapacitated
  • Fixed: If player spawns without a radio, player would hot-mic
  • Optimized: Pop-up radio no longer uses attachTo
  • Optimized: Radio noise no longer uses attachTo
  • Optimized: Removed conditional checks in 'useRadio.sqf'
  • Optimized: Removed distance checks
  • Optimized: Removed alive checks
  • Optimized: Removed array sorting code
  • Optimized: Removed vehicle type check
  • Optimized: Removed damage player check in "Put" and "Take" eventHandlers
  • Optimized: Removed '_rtoSeat' variable
  • Optimized: Removed '_PLR' variable from some eventHandlers
  • Optimized: Renamed '_nearP' to '_p'
  • Optimized: 'V_In' checks for players in your vehicle only
  • Optimized: Removed redundant resetting of local/private variables
  • Optimized: Removed redundant 'r_PS' variable
  • Optimized: Removed redundant player isKindOf r_PS checks
  • Optimized: Removed redundant player condition checks in r_fuzz and r_fuzz2
  • Optimized: Removed redundant "ItemRadio" and RTO trait check in 'out' functions
  • Optimized: Removed duplicate in and out eventHandlers for Support channel
  • Optimized: Vehicle horn check no longer uses BIS_fnc_inString
  • Optimized: Code no longer looks for attachedObjects
  • Optimized: Code checking for RTO seat simplified into light-weight variable
  • Optimized: Improved group leader check in the Command channel functions
  • Optimized: Improved civilian vehicle check in the Support channel functions
  • Optimized: Improved efficiency of generating players array variables
  • Optimized: Improved efficiency of getInMan / getOutMan eventHandlers
  • Optimized: Improved efficiency of all in and out functions
  • Optimized: Replaced spawned/attached radio object with a 3D interface
  • Optimized: Replaced (leader(group(vehicle _x))==_x) with (leader group _x==_x)
  • Optimized: Replaced side player with playerSide
  • Optimized: Replaced if(then);if(then);if(then); to a switch
  • Optimized: Replaced 'r_S' with playerSide - (Test)
  • Optimized: Replaced 'r_PS with playerSide - (Test)
  • Optimized: Replaced == with isEqualTo in some cases
  • Optimized: Replaced select with # in some cases
  • Optimized: Replaced ""code"" with 'code' for strings in eventHandlers
  • Optimized: Replaced player with r_p missionNamespace variable - (Test)
  • Optimized: Renamed '_rtoSeat' to 'seat'
  • Optimized: Renamed 'r_Hush' to 'r_out'
  • Optimized: Renamed 'Hush.sqf' to 'out.sqf'
  • Optimized: Deleted lots of "unneeded" whitespaces 🤓
  • Optimized: Filesize reduced from 104 KB to 40 KB
  • Removed: Radio range requirement (Until BI adds a local mute command)
  • Removed: Radio range settings from the 'CFG.sqf'
  • Removed: Short range "walkie talkie" model
  • Removed: All "Transmitting..." type hintSilent commands in functions
  • Removed: 'S_In1.sqf' and 'S_Out1.sqf'
  • Removed: 'fuzz3.sqf'
  • Removed: Redundant 'r_WS' global variable
  • Removed: Redundant 'AFAR_Text' class from 'defines.hpp'
  • Removed: Unused controls/styles from the 'defines.hpp'
  • Removed: Check if playersNumber playerSide<2 in all functions
  • Removed: MissionEventHandler which deleted the attached radio noise
  • Removed: Unfinished placeholder Zeus compatibility code

[Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio - Page 9 - ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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