手首につけられる Garmin Foretrex 401 と腕時計、フォアアーム マップをアイテムとして追加する TACTICAL WRIST MOD が公開されました。どちらも暗視装置とフェイスウェア スロットとして身に付けられます。
MOD では Garmin Foretrex 401、フォアアーム マップと腕時計をそれぞれ単体で身につけたり、両方を同時に見つけられるアイテムが実装されます。
- Riksen
As you can see, this project took a considerable amount of time, especially because I had to learn the basics of 3ds Max and it is free for you to use. I only ask that if you are going to include in your mod or make any changes to any part of this addon that acknowledge all the work I put in and credit me where credit is due. In general, I ask that you, please, abide to the following:
- Do not use this material for any commercial purposes;
- Attribute the material in the manner specified above (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material);
- If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license;
- Do not re-upload to steam workshop or anywhere else without prior consent from me.
Tactical Wrist - ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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