1965 年から 85 年までのイギリス陸軍を Arma 3 へ追加する Spearpoint MOD


1965 年から 85 年までのイギリス陸軍を Arma 3 へ追加する Spearpoint MOD が公開されました。ヨーロッパにおける冷戦やフォークランド紛争、砂漠地帯で起きたアデン危機、マラヤに適応する熱帯雨林用装備と主要な戦闘に対応できるよう、いろいろな歩兵用装備を実装しています。


MOD は 60 年代から 80 年代の各種ユニフォーム、そして NATO Mk.3 NBC スーツや 58 pattern ウェビングといった被覆、L1A1 SLR、Bren、Sterling、LAW 66 といった当時の武器、MkV ヘルメット、Airborne Mk.2、RAC ヘルメットと歩兵用装備が実装されます。


Over a year ago I began the process of learning to mod Arma 3 and put together Spearpoint. This would not have been possible without the mentoring and support of Mondkalb and the rest of the Arma Cold Warriors Discord channel. They are too numerous to name here, but the happy responses, healthy critique and empathy in frustration are what stopped me from giving up on this months ago.

The Arma 3 community as a whole has contributed to a huge knowledge base that I leaned heavily upon to get this mod in to the world. The Volunteer Commando Battalion is a group that kept me interested in playing Arma for years past its original run (back to the earliest days of OFP), and I would wholeheartedly recommend checking them out if you want to play with this mod in tactical realism scenarios.

Thanks to red_spring for the photography shown in this post. Thanks to toadie2k for weapon animation tutorials and development files.



Spearpoint: UK Armed Forces 1965-85 - ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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