Arma 3 へ HK33A3、FAMAS G2 といった銃やユニフォームなどの装備で、タイ国軍や敵対勢力を追加の WarfareThai Ex. Thai Armed Force MOD がバージョン が公開。調整や小さな問題が修正されました。
MOD では現代のタイ軍と 2035 年のタイ軍、反政府組織のタイ自由運動(2035)、Takistan 王立軍とその反乱軍に加えて、中東テロ組織などいくつかの陣営も実装します。Norinco 213 B や PPSh-41、FAMAS G2、MP9 など多種多様な拳銃と小銃。それにターバンやロシア帽などユニークなオブジェクトがいくつもある MOD です。
- This iteration is for multiplayer testing purpose, the sooner update might be certaintly expected to come (again).
- Added new editor objects (furnitures): Old TV (COREV_Object_TV_Old_B), Radio Unit Type B to E (COREV_Object_RadioUnit_B -to- #E), Headphones (COREV_Object_Headphones), Kitchen Sink (COREV_Ammobox_KitchenSink), Metal Desk
- (COREV_Ammobox_MetalDesk), Metal Table (COREV_Ammobox_MetalTable), Toilet (COREV_Object_Toilet), Servers Rack (COREV_Object_ServersRack),Light Source Fluorescence #2 (COREV_Object_Light_C), Microphone Small (COREV_Object_Microphone_A), Microphone Table (COREV_Object_Microphone_B).
- Reduced the total of Ryan's zombie classnames to COREV_Z_RyanZedHookFast, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookCrawler, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookMedium, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookSlow, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookSpider, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookWalker
- Added WarfareThai Ryan Zeds Customize(COREV_Logic_RyanZedHook), and WarfareThai Ryan Zeds Spawner(COREV_Logic_RyanZedHookSpawner). Requires Ryan's Zombies and Demon mod.
- Added a new weapon: CAR-15 model N-23 PDW 5.56mm Beta-C (Auto556x45_N23PDW_BetaC).
- WFT consumable items now can support in a basic level for MCC and Ravage survival module.
- Removed the redundant objects classnames which had not been used anymore.
- Fixed some minor issues.
WarfareThai Ex. Thai Armed Force - ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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