自作ヘッド トラッキングや新しいボートの発進方法など海外の Arma 3 プレイヤーを賑わせた、Arma 3 シーン 04/30~05/06

自作ヘッド トラッキングや新しいボートの発進方法など海外の Arma 3 プレイヤーを賑わせた、Arma 3 シーン 04/30~05/06。

Finished my ghetto head tracker just in time for jets. Works like a dream. from arma

Jets DLC 用にヘッドトラッキングを自作してみた。

Navy Seals arrive in Fallujah to assist Marines Nov 7, 2004. from arma
1st world issues on Tanoa also. There is hope for us yet from arma

Tanoa 問題。希望は無し


Didn't expect to see an Arma 3 ad in a magazine! from arma

Guns & Ammo という銃の雑誌に広告が

The New Boat Projectile from arma


Black Wasp II now has full enter and exit animations. from arma

新しい戦闘機の Black Wasp II へ完全な乗り降りアニメーション

That moment... from arma
Captured the exact moment i knew it was over. Video in comments. from arma


Arma 3: Most Overpowered Weapon from arma

Arma 3 の最強武器

Launching an aircraft carrier from an aircraft carrier (Cause immersion) from arma


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