Arma 3 でシンプルな無線を作る Addon-Free ArmA Radio スクリプトが v0.4 へ

Arma 3 内のボイスチャットを使って、距離が離れると通じにくくなるなど無線風のエフェクトを再現する Addon-Free ArmA Radio スクリプト のバージョン 0.4 が公開。サイドやコマンド、グループといったチャンネルごとに対応したり、無線機を使う場合はアニメーションを再生するようになりました。

Addon-Free Arma Radio | ArmA 3 - YouTube



  • Added: Side, Command, Group, Vehicle, and Direct channel is fully supported
  • Added: Every VON channel has its own PushToTalk eventHandlers
  • Added: GetInMan/GetOutMan eventHandler to toggle Vehicle channel
  • Added: Higher pitch radio "in" sound for Command channel
  • Added: Distance check to radio "in" functions
  • Added: Distance check to radio "out" functions
  • Added: Animation of character using radio, when player talks on radio
  • Added: Speech volume is set to 0% upon death
  • Added: Speech volume is set to 100% upon respawn
  • Changed: Sounds are now defined in new "SFX.hpp", instead of Description.ext
  • Changed: Renamed "rFN.sqf" to "f.sqf"
  • Changed: "Fuzz" function variables renamed to avoid repetition conflicts
  • Tweaked: "Fuzz" function's initial player check
  • Tweaked: "Fuzz" function checks if player is alive, instead of isAbleToBreathe
  • Tweaked: Each channel's privileges are handled independently
  • Tweaked: Improved player distance check
  • Tweaked: Reduced maximum radio range to 1200, down from 2000
  • Tweaked: Increased volume of static
  • Tweaked: Global/Direct channel cannot create radio static
  • Tweaked: Vehicle channel is disabled when no other player on your side
  • Tweaked: Variables are all private
  • FIXES:
  • Fixed: Distance check's array of near players wasn't reset upon keyRelease
  • Fixed: Players outside of radio range would still hear radio sounds
  • Fixed: Static/floating radio when player disconnects during a radio transmission
  • Fixed: Script error when a dead player tried to speak
  • Fixed: Corrected in-game AFAR instructions briefing
  • Fixed: Corrected information in ReadMe.txt
  • Optimized: Removed redundant vehicle player check when removing attached objects
  • Optimized: Checks if players nearby are alive/same side in same line of code
  • Optimized: GetIn/Out eventHandlers are added on init, instead of every keyPress
  • Optimized: Talking in Vehicle channel
  • Optimized: currentChannel check for the radio "in" functions
  • Optimized: Improved use of remoteExec
  • Optimized: Improved radio's "Fuzz" function
  • Optimized: Improved radio's "In" functions
  • Optimized: Renamed "_plAFAR" variable to "_nearP" (nearPlayers)
  • Optimized: Deleted unused "_fz" variable
  • Optimized: Deleted a few lines of redundant code
  • Optimized: Deleted redundant "isDedicated" check in "init.sqf"
  • Replaced: onPlayerKilled and onPlayerRespawn scripts with eventHandlers in "f.sqf"
  • Removed: Player count variables from script
  • Removed: Useless initial distance check for radio "in" function
  • Removed: Useless array of player distances
  • Removed: Useless "_dlAFAR" and "_dAFAR" variables
  • Removed: Useless call in the "KeyUp" displayEventHandler on init
  • Removed: Redundant "_plAFAR" variable from "Fuzz" function
  • Removed: Redundant surfaceIsWater check in beginning of each function
  • Removed: "_rEH" local variable holding getInMan/getOutMan eventHandlers
  • Removed: Some comments from script
  • Removed: rob223344 from the credits; contribution not used
  • Removed: Credits from Instructions Manual briefing
  • [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio - ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING - Bohemia Interactive Forums

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