Arma 3 の安定版に先行して、新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整をおこなう開発版がリビジョン 135137 へ更新され、トリガー範囲へ高さの指定をできるようになりました。それにキャラクターがドアで身動きが取れなくなる問題を解決するよう、キャラクターの衝突判定も微調整されています。
EXE rev. 135137 (game)
EXE rev. 135138 (launcher)
Size: ~57 MB
EXE rev. 135138 (launcher)
Size: ~57 MB
- The BIS_fnc_inTrigger function might not work correctly in some cases
- Tweaked: The difficultyEnabled script command was replaced with difficultyOption in the official content of the game
- Tweaked: The character’s collision model for running with a rifle lowered was adjusted (this can help with characters being stuck in doors)
- Fixed: Characters would not be simulated properly for FFV positions in an attached vehicle
- Tweaked: The turretUnit script command description now contains an example of usage
- Added: Triggers with height and bottom limitations are now supported
- Added: Changing the Zeus camera control keybindings is now supported
- Fixed: A potential crash when accessing an inventory of a removed unit
- Added: A list of server mods is now generated to the RPT when the game crashes
- Added: Changing the Eden Editor camera control keybindings is now supported
- Fixed: Placing down multiple entities by holding the CTRL key would work only for empty objects
- Tweaked: Dragging an entity by its model was improved
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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