Arma 3 の安定版に先行して、新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整をおこなう開発版がリビジョン 134182 へ更新され、銃声と爆発音にいくつかの調節がおこなわれました。また Arma 3 Launcher へ多数の変更もあります。
EXE rev. 134182 (game)
EXE rev. 134200 (launcher)
Size: ~154 MB
- Fixed: Prone adjust up movement when the character goes in the back-right direction
- Fixed: Virtual Spectator module was showing a script error in the Eden Editor
- Fixed: It is no longer possible to place crew in the Trawler in Eden editor because it's just a prop
- Tweaked: SFX for weapons and explosives:
- Lowered sonic crack volume
- Fixed high caliber shots
- Tweaked panner for weapons
- Fixed MBTs (sound of shooting) and set up soundSets and soundShaders
- Tweaked samples for missiles
Eden Editor
- Fixed: MP not working properly for clients connecting over the Internet
- Tweaked: Renamed objectAnimationsNames > animationNames and objectAnimationSelectionNames > animationSelectionNames
- Fixed: The first manual save was treated as autosave
- Fixed: Group leaders did not change if the vehicle they were in was deleted with him
- Fixed: Equipable items were visible on the map (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27344)
- Fixed: Restarting 2D editor opens 3DEN instead
- Fixed: Wrong text in attribute window title
- Fixed: CTD in group attributes (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=27631)
- Fixed: Error message when leaving the editor
- Fixed: Missing debriefing
- Fixed: Not saving information about binoculars in inventory
Server Browser
- Tweaked: Purista is back (partially: play-button, tab headers, main page buttons)
- Tweaked: Improved startup performance
- Added: Force refresh / stop refresh buttons to the server browser
- Added: New sort mode that doesn't sort
- Added: Server data cache (set to 2 minutes by default)
- Added: Server list cache (set to 1 minute for Internet servers, 15 seconds for favorites / recent / friends)
- Fixed: UTC date / time serialization error when saving the server list cache meta data
- Fixed: Server list might be covered with the empty list message even when the list is not empty
- Tweaked: Server browser list look & feel re-styled to more closely match the existing mod / news lists
- Tweaked: The toggle favorite server button area made was bigger, added a subtle hover effect to the entire button area
- Added: Bullet symbol to the active sort mode in the server browser sort menu
- Added: Sort direction (ascending / descending) to the server browser sort menu
- Added: Ability to change the sort order in the server list by clicking on the column header / an indication whether the list is sorted using this column
- Fixed: Restored an alternative version of the server row when the server list is too narrow
- Added: Column headers for the alternative server list view
- Fixed: Appearance of the toggle favorite server button on an alternative row view
- Added: Server flags displayed in detail now include: monetized server, dedicated server, official server flags and a platform flag
- Added: Expander button to the server row; disabled auto-expand
- Fixed: AI level filter items appearance
- Tweaked: The empty server list style was matched with other lists (added opacity to the background and text)
- Added: A message to the server browser indicating that it's not available due to Steam client being offline / not running
- Added: A tab to the server mod window with additional mods that are currently loaded and are pre-checked against data signatures allowed by the server
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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