Arma 3 の安定版に先行して、新しい機能の追加や不具合の修正、設定の微調整をおこなう開発版がリビジョン 134092 へ更新され、ついに Eden エディタから Steam ワークショップへシナリオを公開することが可能になりました。また大幅なカテゴリ分類の変更もほどこされています。
EXE rev. 134092 (game)
EXE rev. 134097 (launcher)
Size: ~81 MB
- Tweaked: Asset categorization:
- CSAT support infantry is now correctly placed in Men instead of Men (Story)
- Moved all User Texture assets from Helpers to Blank Signs
- Moved Billboard from subcategory Advertisements to Blank Signs
- Removed Heat Pump from editor
- Moved Unfinished Buildings from subcategory Village to City
- Moved Rattan furniture from subcategory Office to Camping
- Moved Razorwire from category Structures to Fences
- Moved Metal Barrel (Open) and Metal Barrel (Burning) from category Structures to Things
- Renamed Anti-air subcategory to Anti-Air (displayName, not class name)
- Renamed EdCat_SupplyBoxes class to EdCat_Supplies and its displayName Supply Boxes to Supplies
- Added subcategories for Arid, Jungle, Desert and Arctic Men
- Removed subcategory for Weapon Attachments (EdSubcat_WeaponAttachments) as those have their own category now
- Added new subcategory Cemetery and moved all graves into it
- Removed chemlights from editor
- Moved Flags from category Structures to Signs
- Renamed subcategories Shops to Shop, Offices to Office and Port to Seaport (displayNames, not class names)
- Shoot House objects are now in their own subcategory
- Moved Watercoolers from subcategory Office to Electronics (to Fridges)
- Moved Concrete Barrier from subcategory Military to City
- Moved Bag Fences from category Structures to Fences
- Moved H-Barriers from category Structures to Walls
- Moved Invisible Wall to the same category as other Helpers
- Moved Camping Lights (both variants) and Portable Lights to subcategory Lamps
- Moved ruins of Cargo Containers from category Wrecks to Ruins
- Fixed: Missing tooltips for triggers
- Fixed: Default tree selection was broken after object categorization
- Fixed: The 2D editor disclaimer was not localized
- Removed: Feedback button and Updates Log (both were beta-specific features which were not intended for release)
- Added: Ability to publish scenarios to Steam Workshop. Please keep in mind that until the Eden Editor is released, users on main branch of the game will not be able to play these scenarios!
Eden Editor
- Fixed: Some JIP messages were not serialized
- Tweaked: Sound - Curve values, panner configuration
- Fixed: Access to Eden Editor
Arma 3 の開発版を使う
Development Branch Changelog - ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH - Bohemia Interactive Forums
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