海軍の陸海空で使う兵器を実装する Arma 3 用 USNWP MOD で EA-6B や S-3B、MQ-1C の画像や開発状況が公開

Arma3用アメリカ海軍MODのEA-6B Prowler 電子戦闘機 Arma3用アメリカ海軍MODのMQ-1C Predator 無人偵察機
EA-6B Prowler 電子戦闘機 MQ-1C Predator 無人偵察機

Arma 3 へ Buffalo MRAP や M88A2 戦車回収車といった地上兵器に加えて、CH-53K King、MH-60R、Mk3 Blk2 などの各種ヘリコプター、C-2A Greyhound、X-47B 無人偵察機といった航空機、USS America や USS Michael Murphy などアメリカ海軍や海兵隊、沿岸警備隊の兵器を実装する United States Naval Warfare Pack MOD で、毎週月曜日にお知らせされる開発進歩状況が EA-6B Prowler S-3B VikingMQ-1C Predator のレンダリング画像とともに、公開されました。

レポートによると、車両だけでなく M777 155mm 榴弾砲や M252 81mm 迫撃砲、HEMMT トラックに取り付けされる輸送用トレーラーまで実現するようです。

Arma3用アメリカ海軍MODのS-3B Viking Arma3用アメリカ海軍MODのSkytrack MMV
S-3B Viking Skytrack MMV
Models: Ground:
  • SkyTrak MMV is 100%
  • Buffalo MRAP is 100%
  • ABV is 70%
  • M777 is 90%
  • M252 is 100%
  • LVS/LVSR is 80%​
All Aircraft are complete except:
  • S-3B
  • A-6B/EA-6B
  • RC-12
  • P-3
  • P-8
  • MV-22B Armed
  • SH-60's
  • MV-22B Armed
  • MH-60T
  • CH/MH-53
  • LCS-1 is 100%
  • LCS-2 is 100%
  • T45 texture is 70%
  • AV-8B textures for USMC are being worked on still
  • AH-1Z textures for USMC are being worked on still
  • UH-1Y textures for USMC are being worked on still
  • MV-22B textures for USMC are being worked on still
  • F/A-18C textures for USMC are being worked on still
  • LCS-1/2 textures are being worked on
  • LAV-25 textures are being looked into
  • AAV-7 textures are being reworked for new turrets
Other Progress:
  • UH1/AH-1/AV8B are being worked on to have service menu added to them
  • Ammobox is being worked on to add all ordnance needed for all aircraft
  • Electronic Warfare System for EA-18G/6B is almost complete, just need models finished to create interface and user guide
  • Half the team is learning how to create the Service Menu on all aircraft that way we can change Textures, Decals, Numbers, ordnance, as well as adding YOUR NAME to the aircraft like on real aircraft
  • We are looking into general fixes for some A3 ports that will vastly improve everything about them

MOD では他にも、実装コンテンツに特殊作戦用の高速ボートや GPS 誘導で物資を空中投下する JPADS を追加しています。

US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP] - ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION - Bohemia Interactive Forums
Seven Seas Studios | Facebook

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