Arma に特化したテキスト編集ツール Poseidon が v0.88 でファイルの関連付け


Arma シリーズで使われている、ゲーム エンジン Virtual Reality に特化したテキスト編集ツール Poseidon がバージョン 0.88 に更新され、従来の sqf ファイルの他に CPP と HPP、HXX、H ファイルへの関連付けがおこなわれました。またシンタックス ハイライターが新しいスクリプト コマンドへ対応されています。

ツールは Sublime Text 2 というソフトを Arma 3 などに特化した改変型。シンタックス ハイライトやスニペットが Arma 独自のコマンドに対応しています。

Armaに特化されたテキスト編集ツール Armaに特化されたテキスト編集ツール


  • Added: Auto trim trailing white-spaces for config files
  • Added: Auto trim white space on save
  • Added: New commands (Arma3 147 131253)
  • Added: New vanilla functions (Arma3 147 131253)
  • Changed: Auto indentation has been switched off for SQF files
  • Changed: CPP, HPP, HXX, H are now opened as Arma config file
  • Changed: exitWith has been added to the control structures instructions #BlameNelson
  • Changed: File headers (scripts and functions) now include properly the scriptName
  • Changed: FSM Editor has been updated (version
  • Changed: FSM Editor is now run from Arma 3 Tools if it's installed
  • Changed: It will first try to run Arma 3 Diagnostics Exe when using F8 from a SQM file
  • Changed: JPG, PNG, TGA, PAA, PAC are not considered as binary files, so, they can be found with a search
  • Changed: Sidebar layout
  • Changed: Some snippets have been reworked and fixed
  • Changed: TexView is now run from Arma 3 Tools if it's installed
  • Changed: The snippets now use the full extended syntax
  • Fixed: Fail-safe on SQF string definitions
  • Fixed: Issue with highlighting of Arma 3 functions
  • Fixed: Some content was out of the sidebar
  • Fixed: SQF Function header is now correct
  • Fixed: The parameters were not read as expected (invalid config file)
  • Fixed: The SQF language definition was badly defined (some commands may have been added during the process)
  • Fixed: Vanilla functions were not defined in the appropriate group
  • Fixed: Various issues with external programs
  • Tweaked: cleaned SQF definitions for FSM Editor
  • Tweaked: Improved external dependencies
  • Tweaked: The setting dependencies have been cleaned up

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