Arma 3 開発版がリビジョン 130139 へ、ファイアリング ドリルに多数の変更


Arma 3 に新しい機能や不具合修正を先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 130139 へ更新され、マークスマン DLC で新たに追加されるファイアリング ドリルに修正や、姿勢表示が武器の安定化に対応、現在の動作が表示されるようになっています。


EXE rev. 130139 (game)
EXE rev. 130139 (launcher)
Size: ~166 MB
  • Tweaked: Soldier heights for weapon deployment to avoid levitation
  • Fixed: Changed exit pose from lowest crouch deployment
  • Improved: Camo1 selection of OPFOR soldier updated to include boots
  • Fixed: VR entities have proper color even when played from first person view
  • Fixed: FD09 - random flying target
  • Tweaked: FD13 - medal times were too easy
  • Added: Marksmen FD decorative objects
  • Tweaked: Firing Drill PiP feedback using better targeting parameters
  • Fixed: Firing Drill PiP feedback would sometimes get stuck without target
  • Fixed: Window geometries in some houses to allow more meaningful deployment
  • Added: Stance indicator icons for resting and deployment
  • Added: Sound definition for footsteps on some surfaces
  • Removed: Debug output of the VhC (no longer needed)
  • Tweaked: Removed obsolete lock from the helicopter in Showcase Marksmen
  • Fixed: Remotely controlled unit cannot access vehicle's weapon without getting out first
  • Fixed: Healing was not properly canceled by reloading
  • Fixed: Weapon orientation after ragdoll initialization
  • Tweaked: Increased smoothness of weapon deployment transitions
  • Added: Adjustable bipod legs
  • Fixed: Animation where a character deploys a weapon and is immediately undeployed
  • Tweaked: Change of stance cancels deployment and changes stance
  • Fixed: Incorrect weapon deployment on handrails
  • Added: Stance indicator for resting and deployment (also not shown in 3rd person)
  • Tweaked: Deployment waits until animations are finished
  • Tweaked: Localizations
  • Changed: BattlEye EULA shown even if the -noLauncher parameter is present
  • Fixed: BattlEye webpage link
  • Added: UID to workaround working window label
  • Added: Loading box label marked as localizable
  • Hotfixed: Made a label on the Options page localizable with current translations
  • Fixed: Parameters when BE executable is not found



Development Branch Changelog - BI forum

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