Arma 3 開発版リビジョンが 129736 に、新スクリプト コマンド


Arma 3 に新しい機能や不具合修正を先行して実装する開発版がリビジョン 129736 へ更新され、新しい 2 つのスクリプト コマンドと、固定型のレーザー指示器でサーマル映像が使えるようになりました。


EXE rev. 129736 (game)
EXE rev. 129722 (launcher)
Size: ~378 MB
  • Fixed: Static Designators should have TI mode
  • Fixed: Position of DMS optics
  • Added: Laser Designators tooltip localization
  • Added: Condition for magazine removed from weapon
  • Tweaked: Decreased bullet drag, but increased dispersion of ASP-1 Kir
  • Changed: Vehicle commander will turn in in combat mode
  • Fixed: "password" serverCommand stopped working
  • Added: Extended logging information about #login activities on Dedicated Servers
  • Fixed: Weapon Deployment - reload empty magazine
  • Fixed: Action reload ammo type had the wrong name
  • Fixed: Deployment is not cancelled after support leaves position
  • Fixed: Changing selectionFireAnim from "zasleh" hid muzzle flash forever
  • Added: Scripting commands isWeaponRested and isWeaponDeployed pulled to public build
  • Fixed: Condition to switch to 'none' weapon when entering water



Development Branch Changelog - BI forum

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