Arma 3 開発版のリビジョンが 128976 へ、Stomper UGV の車両内から射撃が可能に


Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツ、不具合の修正を先行して実装する、開発版がリビジョン 128976 へ更新され、無人地上車両 Stomper の車両内から射撃できるようになりました。


EXE rev. 128976 (game)
EXE rev. 128970 (launcher)
Size: ~280 MB
  • Improved: Open / Close ramp commands localized
  • Fixed: Armex has issued new versions of suspension to AAF technicians to prevent the Mora doing a barrel roll
  • Added: Stomper cargo is now able to use weapons to fire from the vehicle
  • Fixed: Arsenal meta data were missing
  • Tweaked: Adjusted FFV limits for the civilian Truck
  • Fixed: Incorrect Z-ordering of the backgrounds of mod icons in the main menu
  • Changed: Renamed control menuBack to navigateMenu to fix profile customisations
  • Added: Conflict + collision groups for new actions
  • Added: aiRateOfFireDispersion parameter into the base fire mode class with a default value of 1 to introduce basic randomness in AI firing patterns (to-be-tweaked)
  • Fixed: Menu item at the bottom of the list if its set for the "back" action
  • Fixed: Crash while processing disclosure info
  • Tweaked: Better localization handling in the paramfile for SteamLayer
  • Added: Localization for check box "Use Steam client instead of web browser" on the Options



Development Branch Changelog - BI forum

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