Arma 3 に新しい機能やコンテンツ、不具合の修正を先行して実装する、開発版がリビジョン 128805 へ更新され、Kamysh の 30mm APFSDS 弾が MRAP へ正しくション賞を与えられるようになりました。
EXE rev. 128805 (game)
EXE rev. 128793 (launcher)
Size: 116 MB
- Fixed: Wrong transition after salute
- Fixed: Task completion in Sling Loading VR Course
- Added: Showcase briefing section in MP Tanks
- Fixed: Weather sync issues in Escape from Altis
- Tweaked: Damaged body hit point of MRAPs now properly shows damage on the vehicle’s body texture. Durability of this hit point was optimized accordingly for different ammunition types. Durability specifics of the given vehicle remains unchanged.
- Tweaked: Increased PIP resolution in AV Terminal and AV Camera
- Fixed: Step over after turning left / right with equipped launcher and performing treatment
- Fixed: Missing treatment animation with pistol / launcher
- Fixed: BIS_fnc_codePerformance now exits when measuring code takes longer than 1 second. The result is based on the number of cycles which were completed.
- Added: An optional parameter to prevent an establishing shot from fading in when finished
- Tweaked: 30mm APFSDS Kamysh ammo now correctly damages MRAPs through the frontal engine buffer zone, albeit side hits are much more effective
- Tweaked: A turret hit now cannot cause the explosion of the whole MRAP vehicle
- Optimized: Strider hit points to achieve more consistent hit results
- Fixed: Static autonomous GMGs and HMGs now have a proper view angle in the UAV Terminal
- Fixed: RoadsLib.cfg was not changing roads after a change of landscape
- Improved: Refactored context menu so it is using enum instead of macros
- Fixed: CTD while accessing a non-existent brain
- Fixed: Use of vehicleInCoef for mine detection
- Optimized: Removed an unnecessary parameter from AIBrain
- Fixed: AI running away after a Get Out waypoint at specific locations
- Fixed: Local WRP & road shapes don't work together
- Fixed: Reporting wrong PhysX onContacts
- Fixed: Check for a null shape (possible CTD)
- Added: Logging of extensions used in the game
- Fixed: Use of surfaceDeflectionCoef
- Fixed: CTD when accessing a null pointer when working with magazines
- Changed: Set building Linux with PhysX 3.2.4
- Fixed: LeaderCandidate selection
- Removed: Scripting commands to modify values that can be changed with diag_MergeConfigFile
- Added: Mod / DLC icons for terrain selections
- Fixed: HC client units were laggy
- Tweaked: Sound: Sync breathing with gun movement (prototype)
- Tweaked: Minimal message time prediction delta
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