Arma 3 の協力プレイ用を念頭に、AI を様々な側面から強化行う ASR AI Skills A3 MOD がバージョン 0.9.12 へ更新され、僅かに最大攻撃範囲が増加されるなどが行われました。
アドオンでは AI が家屋をより積極的に使うように、無線をつかって、AI 部隊同志が共通の目標に向かって連携を取るようになるなど、様々な強化が行われる仕様です。
主に専用サーバー上での協力プレイを念頭に開発が行われており、サーバー側の MOD が検知されると、プレイヤーの設定したユーザー設定は無効化されるようになっています。
- defaults tweaked, minor changes:
- less smoke
- reduced gunshot hearing coef to compensate to sound level increase in 1.36
- reduced spotting skills for all unit types except snipers
- overall skill decrease by adjusting faction coefficients; added faction coef macro to tidy up the config
- removed visibleFire ammo parameters
- increase maximum engagement ranges a bit
- server executes setskill for all AI on all machines
- no longer except group leaders from entering houses (means single units can now do that too)
- prevent from getting busy units assigned new waypoints (for scripted reactions)
- units with hold wp no longer sent to seek cover or get into buildings
- NVS and TWS properly used now (set as opticType = 1 to enable longer engagements)
- day scopes are now less useful at night for AI - they're used as CQB sights (requires ASDG JointRails to work, vanilla sights are auto-replaced at night with opticType = 0 sights)
- add support for smoke shells from BWA3 and RHS mods
ASR AI Skills A3 アドオンには Arma 3 用 Community Base Addons が必要です。
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