Arma 3 へ合理的な医療機能を実装する X39s Medical System 2 MOD (XMS2) がバージョン 1.3 ベータへ更新され、幾つかの修正が行われました。
- ScriptIssue when using defib or blackOutUnit with specific params
- X39_MS2_fnc_unInitUnit function (threw script issues & did not worked correctly)
- applyDrug was not working propper in some cases
- DrugRequest was created when other unit is non-local & unconscious
- ResearchHq medical building <- used to heal a unit to 100% to finally make ingame use of the modification possible
- variable X39_MS2_var_Bleeding_ChanceForAterialDamageP from 0.2 to 0.05 (equals a 5% chance for aterial damage which only can be healed in a "hospital" the medical HQ in XMS2s empty section)
X39s Medical System 2 MOD には Arma 3 用 Community Base Addons が必要です。
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