Arma 3 を拡張する CSE MOD がバージョン 0.10.0 アルファ RC1 に更新、大幅な追加や変更が実装

arma3のゲーム プレイを拡張するCombat Space Enhancement MOD

Arma 3 へ高度で現実的な医療機能や、味方部隊を端末で指揮可能な戦闘指揮システムなどを実装し、ゲーム プレイを拡張する Combat Space Enhancement MOD がバージョン 0.10.0 アルファ RC1 に更新され、新しいモジュールや死体袋の追加など、多くの機能が追加されています。

完全に独立化されたこの MOD ではシングルプレイ、マルチプレイや専用サーバーでの動作と互換性があり、モジュールの設置により機能を有効化する事が可能で、さまざまなカスタマイズが可能です。


  • Added: Action stitching (CMS). Uses the surgical kit.
  • Added: Advanced Ballistics (by Ruthberg)
  • Added: assignMedicalEquipment module for medical equipment (CMS)
  • Added: ATragMX (by Ruthberg)
  • Added: Bodybag and bodybag action (CMS)
  • Added: CBA Dependency
  • Added: CC item crates
  • Added: Combat Deafness module
  • Added: Concept AmbientCivilians module
  • Added: Fast roping module (WIP, not polished and error-prone)
  • Added: First implementation of disposable launchers
  • Added: getIn and getOut EH support
  • Added: iedpack from A2 (by Aposky)
  • Added: Implemented use equipment option for AIM
  • Added: Kestrel 4500 (by Ruthberg)
  • Added: Load and unload object eventhandlers
  • Added: On initialization all CMS magazines will be replaced by items (TEMPORARLY)
  • Added: Option to disable config execution of modules for certain entries (disableConfigExecution = 1; in CfgModules entry)
  • Added: Polish translations to stringtables
  • Added: Put eventhandler support
  • Added: Replace darter battery option (vehicle)
  • Added: Russian translation of CMS
  • Added: Setting to disable vehicle crash damage (CMS)
  • Added: Sounds for weaponResting and magazineRepack
  • Added: Surgical Kit (CMS)
  • Added: Take eventhandler support
  • Added: Treatment now works for prone units (CMS)
  • Added: Weapon Heating module
  • Added: Weapon Safety module as part of (cse_sys_equipment.pbo)
  • Added: Added support for disabling broadcasting your own position on the BFT tracker.
  • Added: Advanced Interaction items to curator
  • Added: Allow use of map screen setting for CC BFT trackers.
  • Added: Ambiance sound module
  • Added: Bodybag item for curator placement
  • Added: Carry option to logistics.
  • Added: Display icon when resting weapon or have bipod deployed (top right, making use of displayIcon function)
  • Added: Drag option to logistics. Static weapons are now draggable.
  • Added: Hide ammo information option within equipments module
  • Added: displayIcon function (Shows icons in the top right of your screen)
  • Added: drinking sound to drinking action of field rations module.
  • Added: hasOpenWounds_CMS function
  • Added: variable for tracking units in reviveState across network
  • Changed: Action keybindings can now only be activated when player can interact
  • Changed: Added bottom limit for blood volume
  • Changed: Adjusted grain effect for night vision
  • Changed: All CMS Items are now items instead of magazines (IMPORTANT)
  • Changed: Combined pbo's NVG and weaponresting with sys_equipment.pbo
  • Changed: Combined the following modules into one (cse_sys_equipment.pbo): NVG adjustments, Weapon Resting, Attachable Items, Magazine Repack, Ammo checking.
  • Changed: Custom eventhandlers can now also be accessed through mission description.ext
  • Changed: Improved performance from getDragOptions
  • Changed: Logistic carry action now also works on objects with cse logistics carry enabled through a set variable
  • Changed: Moved damage thresholds to separate module (No longer part of the CMS module)
  • Changed: Now ejects dead units from vehicles
  • Changed: Overworked the magazine repack feature
  • Changed: Refined the old wind deflection code based on AdvancedBallistics
  • Changed: Rewrite of handleDamage [CMS]
  • Changed: Advanced Interaction magazines are now items
  • Changed: Field Rations magazines are now items
  • Changed: Message Display functions now support localization
  • Changed: Tied bloosloss in with cardiac output. Should improve bloodless effect. WARNING: cse_fnc_getBloodLoss_CMS will no longer return accurate results on non local units!
  • Changed: increasePain function now also supports string values representing bodyparts (same as addOpenWounds_CMS)
  • Disabled: Config execution for legacy modules
  • Fixed: CC Item names
  • Fixed: Configuration button bug
  • Fixed: Field Rations module arguments
  • Fixed: gui_loadingbar no longer running twice as fast as it should
  • Fixed: IR strobe effect sticking around
  • Fixed: It is no longer possible to drag/carry units inside vehicles
  • Fixed: Missing addon dependency lists
  • Fixed: Position of icon on display messages (Was overlapping the content label)
  • Fixed: Width of display messages
  • Fixed: Zeus Placement bug
  • Fixed: Damage thresholds didnt function properly.
  • Fixed: Dropping objects before unit goes unconscious.
  • Fixed: issues with CSE backblast module
  • Replaced: cse_sys_backblast.pbo with cse_sys_launchers.pbo
  • Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module
  • Improved: CMS module now supports localization in everything but the activity log.
  • Improved: Performance optimization for many parts of CSE.
  • Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module

Combat Space Enhancement MOD には Arma 3 用 Community Base Addons が必要です。

Combat Space Enhancement 0.2 - BI forum
Combat Space Enhancement | A total modification overhaul to ARMA 3

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